people thinking they know best!


Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2007
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im 34 weeks pg at the mo and we just got our car seat for the baby. My mum and dad came over last night and i said to them we wanted to test out strapping the car seat into their car as my mum will be picking us up from the hospital.
The first thing my mum said was "a car seat for what"? i thought eh whats she on about its for the baby obviously! :wall: I said the car seat to take the baby home in! She then said "you dont need a car seat you cradle the baby on your lap" I was stunned! Im thinking what the???

How on earth would it be safe to take a baby home in the car on your lap! She said thats what she did and that my aunty (who had her last baby 12 years ago) did the same!! This sounds absurd!
My dad then piped up and said "you cant put a day old baby in a car seat"
Are they insane!!?? I was trying to explain that i have to take the baby home in a car seat or i probably wouldnt be allowed home and plus i would probably be arrested for travelling with a baby on my lap!
Is it not obvious that if you travelled with a baby on your lap and you had an accident the baby would fly out the window??!!
Does anyone have any info on when the law changed with regards to newborn car seats and when was there a time when babies were allowed to travel home on your lap?!
My mum and dad are still convinced i dont need a car seat! They seemed baffled by the whole idea! :roll: :roll:
It used to be that new mums could/would take their baby home in their arms in the back seat (that's how I was taken home apparently - I'm 26), but as you know the laws have changed and it is now the law that you have to take your baby home in a car seat (if travelling by car) from the hospital. Your parents are probably going on what they did, but as you say, you must use a car seat nowadays.

I've found the following links, hope they help you:

Jen xxx
Thanks ive saved the links to show them :D i can give them proof now.

I just hate the way people who are older than me think they know best and know everything! I cant believe people travelled with newborn babies on their laps though, it seems crazy. :?
My mum told me that when I was a baby I was in a carry cot on the back seat and would slide around as she went round corners :shock: . I'm 28.
You right about it being law

did you show this to your parents? hope they relise that you have to keep to the law and it's safer for the baby to be in a car seat

sarah xx
I believe that when my mom brought my lil brother home, who is 10, it was still the norm to hold the baby.

When I had Tyler, who is nearly 6, he had to be in a carseat.

I dont think it was that people were irresponsible. Carseats were once very expensive and there were no travel systems. So, people who had no car did not go to the expense of buying one.

Now with travel systems it is easier to have one (as it is not only used as a carseat) - soit makes the law easier to enforce.

Your parents just need to acquaint themselves with the laws now :)

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