Car Seat


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2007
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Need some advice. I brought a Car Seat Group 0+ and on the box is says it's Rear Facing.

Does this mean I can also put this in the front passenger seat when I'm driving but it has to sit rear facing in the front?

Also if I have it in the back seat of my car Rear Facing then if I'm driving I wont be able to see my baby.

I'm really confused cause I dont really know.

Can anyone help please.
You've got 2 options

Seat needs to be rear facing, so you can either:

1. put it on the front seat, facing the rear of the seat. Make sure you have any airbags turned off / disabled.

2. put it on the rear seats, facing the rear. You can buy a mirror which mounts to the headrest, and then you can see the baby in your rear view mirror.

We're going to put the baby on the back seat, behind the passenger seat, and use this mirror: ... uct_id=665
If you have an airbag be very careful putting it in the front.

Don't just disable it, take the fuse out if you can.

In all honesty, the safest place for baby is in the back, not only cos they are more protected but it can be very distracting if baby is crying and you are driving and you keep looking at them.
Even if they aren't crying, you can't resist having a look, are they awake, are they asleep, etc etc. Safer all round I think if they are in the back.
i think back is much safer, even more so that baby isnt facing forward to.
i dont plan on ever having my baby in front seat, think probably distract me from driving, and we dont want that
I tried to put our rear facing seat in the front but the seatbelt wasnt long enough, it must be shorter than the back ones

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