People get on my nerves!!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2006
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This is generally people are annoying and stupid.
Sorry if I offend anyone with this but it's true.
Coming up to christmas and during the first few days of sales seems to bring out all the idiots!!
I think working in retail as made me notice this more.
Here are the main things, sorry I HAVE to get this all off my chest!
*People who dont look where they are going while walikg around shops because they are too busy chatting or looking at "bargins" and they just stop right infront of you or suddenly change direction-gggrrrr
*Why doesnt anyone realise that the sales are just shops getting rid of all the old crap that we couldnt shift during the year?
*People who barge past me trying to rush around to get somewhere, really buggs me, and I have to shout at them because I'm sure "if I bashed into you baby I'm sure you'd have something to say about it so dont bash into mine you twat!"
*People who come shopping on the busiest day of the year and moan about the ques!!!!
*Someone please tell me why people find the need to go shopping on boxing day?? so that us poor suckers who work in shops have to leave our families and go to work!! Why cant you cope for 2 days without buying a new pair of shoes???
*And OMG people who cannot and should not drive!! Why oh why does anyone feel the need to drive at 20mph on a national speed limit road you should not be allowed behind the wheel!!! Some of us have got more important things to do than sit behind someone who is out for a "stroll" in the car GET OUT OF MY WAY!!!
*And why do people I know (who know I am pregnant!) decide to sit next to me and share their germs!! Get you sniffing and coughing away from me, we DO NOT want your germs!!
*Why do people feel the need to touch me?? Just because I'm working in the shop and I'm pregnant does not give anyone the right to come up and touch me! GO AWAY!!
Phew I'm so sorry I acctually have more but I really need to have a rant now and again and if anyone can tell me why people do these things it'd probably help although I swaer they just do it on purpose to annoy me.
Sorry again!
I feel better now...
and breath....
Oh I just thought of another thing....
In the area where I live the raod that leads up to my close is full of really big houses and is also a bus route, EVERY single house has a drive and I mean a big drive ALL of then can fit at least two cars on them (some have room for 4 or more!) and then they all have garages too.
So why is there ALWAYS cars parked up both side of the street and EVERY driveway is empty???
SO I end up stuck behind a stupid bus waiting for some old dear to get on it and find all her change in the bottom of her bag- ggggrrrrrrrr
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

here here i totally agree with you

It is so so annoying but im glad your feeling better now after letting that all out :hug:

sorry it made me giggle. i agree with you though. there are some stupid people around.
Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed this morning?!! :wink:

Totally agree with the touching one. The pi$$ed up lady who lives next door is always touching my stomach and it makes me sick :evil: She's so digusting and stinks of booze all the time aaarrrrggghhhhhhhh!
Misslarue said:
Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed this morning?!! :wink:

Totally agree with the touching one. The pi$$ed up lady who lives next door is always touching my stomach and it makes me sick :evil: She's so digusting and stinks of booze all the time aaarrrrggghhhhhhhh!

oooh yuck! Id punch the silly old bint!

But yeah myt OH is a retail manager and has been back at work since 27th, he si coming home really stressed love him, he hates this time of year at work and says the week after xmas is worse than the run up to it!
I worked 15 retail Christmases and have a few to add........

1) People who ask 'How much is that?....and that?...and that? because they can't be bothered to look at prices :twisted:
2) People who put their money on the counter and not in your hand :twisted:
3) People who talk on their phones whilst you're serving them :twisted: (I hate shop assistants chatting to each other on the till so I never did it)
4) People who rifle through a display and chuck it all on the floor just because it's sale :twisted:
5) People who ask for a further reduction on an item that's already 99p for some stupid arbituary reason. :twisted:
6)Ditto those who refund things that are 50p!!!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

I'm so glad I'm out, I did my time (Boots, Clarks, Bay Trading, Body Shop) but I'd never work in a shop again!!
Misslarue said:
Totally agree with the touching one. The pi$$ed up lady who lives next door is always touching my stomach and it makes me sick :evil: She's so digusting and stinks of booze all the time aaarrrrggghhhhhhhh!

Yeah this is the worst one! And they get really offended if you tell them to leave you alone!
Yuck ppl who smell...... :puke:
I forgot about that one.

I'm a nice person really, honest.
Minxy said:
1) People who ask 'How much is that?....and that?...and that? because they can't be bothered to look at prices :twisted:
2) People who put their money on the counter and not in your hand :twisted:
3) People who talk on their phones whilst you're serving them :twisted: (I hate shop assistants chatting to each other on the till so I never did it)
4) People who rifle through a display and chuck it all on the floor just because it's sale :twisted:
5) People who ask for a further reduction on an item that's already 99p for some stupid arbituary reason. :twisted:
6)Ditto those who refund things that are 50p!!!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

I agree with all of the above
Roll on mat leave!!
I love this anyone else got any moans?
Get it off your chest it feels great!
I know this has been mentioned before on another thread but I have to say it because I'm not a violent person at all but I could easily hit people when they............

park in mother and baby spaces and they HAVE NO CHILD!!!!! There's only one left and I'm waiting for it with a screaming baby in the back and some t**t pulls into it with no child. It makes my blood boil, and I always have a go at them. They never move though!! The shops should do something about it :x

Oh yeah and people who park in mother and baby spaces and their child is about 12 :x :x :x
i aggree with retail ones i worked at mothercare till i had my daughter and some people, snotty nosed, grumpy, look down at you, i HATE them, glad i dont work now!!!!

but my pet hate at the moment is people who have not got children and park in the allocated spaces in tesco's and car parks for parents and there children, it really gets my goat up. A arrogant man in his posh car in front of me pulled into one and he never had children not even a car seat, i got mad pulled my window down called him an idiot and said have you got children, he ignored me and walked off!!! :evil:

Now all i do is leave nice little notes on there front window for them if i know they aint got kids.

sorry if people dont like this but i can not stand it. :D
lol kim u must have been writing this when i was i am totally with you hun!!!!!!

we should get proper notices printed up to put on there windows.
Ha Ha I dont have an issue with the parking yet, but I'm sure that'll be another group of people on my moan list in a few months time.
Although I do get annoyed with people with huge great big 4 wheel drives (which incidently havent seen off roading in their lives-but i wont get in to that) who cannot park them to save their lives, and leave a couple of inches of space for me to get back into my car, which to be honest was hard enough as it was (it's a sports car and really low down) and now i'm starting to grow it's getting harder. grrrrrrrrrr
This post really tickled me :lol: I couldn't agree more with everything everyone has written on here, well done and you've cheered me up :dance:
aah mel have a big :hug: :hug:
i agree with everything you have all said.
especially regarding the mother & baby spaces, it drives us wild, we have 3 kids to get out for shopping then all the food too when we get back to the car & you have a tiny gap to open the door for the car seat :x
i used to just bash the door! but now i've got a new car :D i can't do that.

GRRRRR it piss*s me off so badly when some jumped up 50 yr old in a suit parks in the mother & baby, just want to scratch his precious BMW!!!!!!!!!!! :rotfl: :rotfl:
Mel_ said:
This is generally people are annoying and stupid.
Sorry if I offend anyone with this but it's true.
Coming up to christmas and during the first few days of sales seems to bring out all the idiots!!
I think working in retail as made me notice this more.
Here are the main things, sorry I HAVE to get this all off my chest!
*People who dont look where they are going while walikg around shops because they are too busy chatting or looking at "bargins" and they just stop right infront of you or suddenly change direction-gggrrrr
*Why doesnt anyone realise that the sales are just shops getting rid of all the old crap that we couldnt shift during the year?
*People who barge past me trying to rush around to get somewhere, really buggs me, and I have to shout at them because I'm sure "if I bashed into you baby I'm sure you'd have something to say about it so dont bash into mine you tw*t!"
*People who come shopping on the busiest day of the year and moan about the ques!!!!
*Someone please tell me why people find the need to go shopping on boxing day?? so that us poor suckers who work in shops have to leave our families and go to work!! Why cant you cope for 2 days without buying a new pair of shoes???
*And OMG people who cannot and should not drive!! Why oh why does anyone feel the need to drive at 20mph on a national speed limit road you should not be allowed behind the wheel!!! Some of us have got more important things to do than sit behind someone who is out for a "stroll" in the car GET OUT OF MY WAY!!!
*And why do people I know (who know I am pregnant!) decide to sit next to me and share their germs!! Get you sniffing and coughing away from me, we DO NOT want your germs!!
*Why do people feel the need to touch me?? Just because I'm working in the shop and I'm pregnant does not give anyone the right to come up and touch me! GO AWAY!!
Phew I'm so sorry I acctually have more but I really need to have a rant now and again and if anyone can tell me why people do these things it'd probably help although I swaer they just do it on purpose to annoy me.
Sorry again!
I feel better now...
and breath....

gosh i love moaning. i moan about everything. Its good to maon. A person who does not moan is dull and not worthy. IMO! :lol: :lol:

you seem like a really good moaner.

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