People are making me mad!!!


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2011
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If one more person says my bump is huge or asks if I'm sure there is only one in there I am liable to kill them, any one else feel like this?:sad:
constantly but i just give them a look to say 'if you carry on i will smack you so hard' x
yeah I feel the exact same, also hate people touching my bump as well....does my head in lol!! xx
Ye they r getting the look, hormones can make u act in strange ways. I also hate people touching my bump, no need, lol. X
I nearly slapped a customer over the counter yesterday in work. (Brilliant customer service!!!) Up til now everyone has told me I'm 'neat' and can't believe I'm 27 weeks. That changed yesterday, just once. Customer asked when I'm due and when I replied 24 June she said "wow you're a big girl to have so far to go. Have they told you you're carrying a big baby??" Raging doesn't described how I felt at that stage. She was just too rude for words. Doesn't even know me except for serving her during work!!!
People are sooo insensitive, im having the same trouble, nooen at work believe im 30 weeks, i believe it i feel huge and as for people touching i just try and stepback, one girl did question why i did this and i said because i hate people touchin and she got all defensive. x
I used to get peed off when people told me I was neat. I think people have warped memories of pregnancies, like how big you are at different stages. I have measured spot on for my dates all the way through so it doesn't bother me anymore but in the beginning I got really worked up and worried that I was smaller than i should I've been.
Soooo fed up of people telling me I'm big and 'are you sure there's only one in there'. I'm measuring spot-on. Arseholes. I'm only short (5'3") and have always had a head start in the tummy department (not fat, but always a 'spare tyre'!!). It's just so frustrating having people judge you. As if we're not under enough pressure to be perfect baby-bakers, people go and pressure you into feeling you're doing something wrong (eating too much, not enough etc etc!!)
Yep! Every day! Was at the hospital yesterday and some random asked how long I had left and said, oh you're big! To which I replied actually my midwife measured me yesterday and I'm spot on!

People find it acceptable to say these things just because you are pregnant, and it can be very insensitive!

And kirsty27, I think you're right, people don't actually know what size is 'normal' for which stage in pregnancy.

I definitely makes a difference if you are short/tall too. I measure 29 cm and I'm 5ft 1 but if someone who was 5 ft 10 measured 29cm, the bump would take up a lot less room on their body than it does on mine! xx
im also short at 5ft so it looks more however someone i work with is due a day before me and has gotta be nearly around the 6ft mark and her bump is barely visable. Ive measured bang on too and have reminded people of this.
I just tell people every pregancy is different if they were all the same theyd be boring xx
Good to know its not only me :) like u girls I have been measuring spot on aswell and I am only 5'1. Next person to say it beware!!! X
I dont mind as long as its my bump there reffering to ..i have had horrid abuse in the streets this time ....being called fat and lots of sear words ...yep i am a big girl but i hate how horrid people can be ...

Try not to let the bump thing get to you girls if they were saying wow your tiny you would be worried just try and think im growing a healthy happy baby
yes i get asked this almost every time im out, its so annoying!!!
I definitely makes a difference if you are short/tall too. I measure 29 cm and I'm 5ft 1 but if someone who was 5 ft 10 measured 29cm, the bump would take up a lot less room on their body than it does on mine! xx

This is definately true, i'm 5 ft 10 which is why people think I'm neat but it's deceptive, if I put on weight it takes quite a bit before you actually see it whereas me friend is 5 foot an she can't so much as put on a couple of pounds without it being noticeable on her.
i keep getting told im 'neat' and its starting to anoy me.
think im gonna balloon over next few weeks.
I got told my a friends partner the over day- 'Your huge' I replied saying I hope its fluid turns out it is a big baby- it didn't annoy me but it is really going to as everyone I meet lately keeps asking how far I have to go- it almost makes me want to pop early (say 37 weeks) just as can't imagine getting any bigger out front!

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