Pelvic floors..???


Active Member
Feb 15, 2007
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Hello all :) This is a bit of a silly question...but how important are pelvic floor excercises?I feel like they make me feel phsyically sick when I do them :( Can't explain but it gives me a sensation which I really don't like! :? But have been told I should do them as they will benefit me..Any help?Thanks.xx
Wow!I'm soo glad you understand!Thought it was just me..Horrible aren't they! :) xx
but unless you want to piss yourself when you get older when you sneeze or laugh you have to do them girls!
Imagine queing for your pension at the postoffice and having to wade through your own pittle to get to the counter.

do your pelvic floor excercises! they are VERY important.
I do mine when im at traffic lihghts or waiting in the queue at asda. even if you do ten a day its betterthan nothing.
:shock: Maybe I will just have to get used to them then budge! Thanks for the advice :) xx
xxsuzi23xx said:
:shock: Maybe I will just have to get used to them then budge! Thanks for the advice :) xx

You are supposed to be able to do them any time, any place, but I can't do it without so much concentration that it makes me pull a face :shock: Also, I simply cannot 'hold it' in place, i can 'pulse it', so to speak, but nowt else :oops:
more practice is needed then. you must be able to hold it in place for ten seconds at least. Pulsing its no good.
OverTheMoon said:
oh bugger :roll:

at first when you first start doing them you should notice it and be concious of doing them. But if you fdo them everydy adn they streghnten etc you will find it easier and have to concentrate less when doingthem. :)
Ive been doing these for 15 years and believe me there are better incentives than not pissing yourself lol, it makes sex MUCH more interesting (use you imagination girls lol) :wink: :moon:
What exactly do I do?! I have no idea!! *feels silly*
You basically clench and unclench the muscles you would use to stop pee midflow. Next time you have a wee, try to stop the flow and notice what muscles you are using, these are your pelvic floor muscles.

A couple of times a day just clench and unclench them for a count of about 5, and once you are comfortable with that increase it little by little.

This is almost essential for birth and to stop your muscles getting to lax afterwards and stops problems like weak bladders etc, aswell as the other benefits! :wink:
Ahh! I think I do that already then!! Thanks Glitzy, you are being a real help to me today!
Well I've just come back from my antenatl class and we have been given the guide to deluxe pelvic floor exercise :rotfl:

Apparntly we are to think of our vaginas as a lift shaft.

We gently raise from the basement to the first floor and hold for a few seconds,we then raise to mid level and again hold for a few seconds and we then quickly and abruptly raise to level 3,hold and release.

i always thought that pulling up was good enough but apparently you miss out on the vital muscles.

Invaluable advise I think :)
just tryed them. i really have to think about it! :oops: :rotfl:

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