Pelvic Floor Challenge!

Well done lilmoomim :) Hope you have a lovely lunch.

Ive done 2 sets of long ones and 1 set of shorter ones this morning, forgot about the water though :wall2: x x

I have managed 3 sets so far :) only holding for a few seconds though! Think I'm a little weak down there! X x x
I know, 10 seconds seems like so long! Feels like I'm going to end up a bodybuilder :)
Hi Ladies - :wave:

Hows my pelvic floor buddies today??

I have only managed 1 set so far, thought i'd get on well doing them in work but ended up not able to count them properly coz I kept getting put off with the phone. Still gonna aim to do 10 today.

What are y'all doing for 1 exercise? This is what I do...I squeeze everything in, hold for 10 secs and gently release, do that 10 times and after that do the quick ones 10 times. And thats what I class as 1 set. I am aiming to do this 6 times a day.

Im glad i'm actually remembering to do these, with my 1st baby we practised them at anti-natal classes and she'd always say to do them at home each day but I never did coz I forgot every day.....biggg mistake, thats why Im so keen to make it a daily thing if that makes sense.

Anyway, good luck for today everyone. Think of how much good we're doing our bodies!!


I done 10 sets today to make up for yesterday, well chuffed with myself, but sick fed up of doing them too loool
I keep forgetting doing them too... :(

I can hold it for 10 seconds, but get so bored! :(
Hmm... a nibble on a choc bar every time we pull it in? :lol:
maybe we can make up a funny rhyme for it :lol:
Both sound like great ideas :D i can easily go and buy choc but im no good at making up rhymes or poems, anyone want to make one up that we can all use? x x

I will take part in the chocolate part of the challenge!
I'm not that much into chocolate at the moment.... Maybe a nail polish for every week of doing my exercises would do the trick for me though :)
5 sets already today :) If i can remember to do a few more before 3 oclock im going to treat myself to a nice chocolate bar at coffee break. Hows everyone getting on? x x

I still keep forgetting :wall: so much going on atm it should b on top of my list!!
Yeah it is very boring, cant think of any ways to make it more exciting. I suppose a wee bar of chocolate or something at the end of the day would help, but i would eat chocolate wether I done them or not so not really a reward.

I did my full 6 sets yesterday and only 1 today so far.


Hi Ladies,

I'm bringing this thread back from the dead to give myself some motivation. I've done no PF exercises since I last posted & its all went back downhill again plus worse - i'm loaded with the cold and the constant sneezing is a nightmare, as u can imagine i need these exercises more than ever.

Went to an ante-natal class last week, MW mentioned PF's sad that all you actually need to do is 2 a day!! :shock: She pointed out alot of interesting facts & reasons to do them (cant mind any of them at the moment)

Soooooo - i'm planning to re-start these tomorrow, 2 sets a day & i'll be happy.

Anyone want to join me?? C'mon ladies....2 PF's a day!!! its easy

I have been doing them occasionally ie not every day but when I remember, really need to get on top of it! I dont have the problem now but want to prevent it happening.
I haven't been doing them :(
Had a cold for two weeks and a cough that lasted four :shock: and I've had to use pads :( it's not nice at all plus wearing pads 24/7 irritate my overly sensitive skin :roll: gotta start doing them!
I keep focusing on how much worse things will be after birth if I don't do them!

C'mon ladies, we can manage 2 a day...right?? :oooo:

Once in morning - once at night??


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