Pelvic Floor Challenge!

Can I join in?! I have been terrible and I got told off by a friend at the weekend. I just forget all the time!!! I was thinking of putting a reminder in my phone! so far I have done one set!
I'll join in! So far I have done three sets. It's hard after a while, it feels weird to continually do them, the most I can do is three sets of ten at a time, then I need to break for a bit.
The worst part is trying to remember.

A wee reminder on the phone would definately help.

I managed my full 6 yesterday and 1 so far today.

My strategy is to start doing them every time I visit PF. I have to say it works!!
Same here i only remember when im on this post lol! had a mega busy day and forgot :(
I am trying to do 5 sets a day, seem to be remembering about them. OH said he will remind me when he phones me as well
I've done 4 so far today, another 2 to go.

Well done everyone. This post is helping me remember too

Can I join you ladies please? I have am having a few embarrassing leaks when I sneeze :blush:
Thanks for the links, after 12 years of not doing them, I think t hose links are going to be a big help!
Thank you Mummy2Adam for recommending this thread to me :) x x x
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Hi Lilmoomin :wave: glad you found the thread :D

How are we all getting on today? Ive managed 3 set of 10 already, so im wondering if i can go for 8 sets today :)
Hows everyone feeling after doing them? I have found they are helping a huge amount, dont want to speak too soon but they are definetly helping x x

I see this thread and it reminds me! I can't hold for 10 seconds though, does everyone else?!
I see this thread and it reminds me! I can't hold for 10 seconds though, does everyone else?!

I try and do 3 sets of quick ones and 3 sets of longer ones hunny, the more the muscle gets used to it, the longer you will be able to hold it.

I need a water drinking challenge thread to remind me to drink more instead of the BH's reminding me! x x

I find water ok, as my back is killing me at work so when I need to get up and walk around I make it a water trip xx
Maybe i should link both of them together, after i do my pelvic floors, i should drink a glass of water, that might work x x

Welcome to the thread lilmoomin, hope you find some help here. You really wont regret doing them.

M2A sounds like a great idea combining pelvic's and water.

I'm finding it hard to hold for more than 10 secs too, I find my mind wanders, and I accidently "let go"

I've done none so far today as i'm first day back at work after more than 2 weeks off so i'm having a bit of a slow day

Right I need to start this today!! I've slacked so far. Everyone seems to be doing well x
I have managed 3 sets so far :) only holding for a few seconds though! Think I'm a little weak down there! X x x
Aw well, thats me out for the day, I'm going to bed shortly and i've only done 2 sets today. In my defense I only got an hour and a half hrs sleep last night :shock: mixture of first day back at work after time off and being very warm/uncomfortable.

I'm gonna do 10 tomorrow to make up for it

Youve done 2 more than me :blush:
nite nite hope u sleep well.. ive not been sleeping too great either and off to bed now too xxx
Well I've done 2 sets of 10 so far today :) off out with friends shortly for lunch, so will do some more when I get home :) x x

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