peeing when you sneeze!


Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2010
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eeek! I just leaked a bit of pee when I sneezed! This has happened a few times now... I thought this was meant to happen after the baby was born. Please tell me someone else has experienced this?!
Constantly! It's been happening for weeks for me now, every sneeze, laugh, cough. I have no chance after baby's born x
Same happening here! Feel like an old lady, not 29 haha! Tena ladies!
SAME, ive been sporting the good old tenna lady a few months now! x
pads older ladies wear for little acidents x
Yup, I've got the pee when ya sneeze syndrome too :) And yesterday morning I was feeling nauseous, wretched & did a wee squirt haha I too thought it was meant to be an occurence AFTER the birth!! So yeh I'm kinda screwed too haha x
If it helps it does get better after bay is born :) just takes time and lots of pelvic floor exercises .. i sympathise BTW happened to me this morning .. in the doctors :(
haha don't forget to do your kegels ladies !!:lol:
Yep I have to cross my legs if i'm standing up when I sneeze! Unfortunatly I seem to have a nose like a bloodhound during this pregnancy and EVERYTHING makes me sneeze! I must've sneezed at least 30 times in a row last weekend and all I did was use the same kitchen surface spray i've used for years!! How I managed not to pee myself I do not know! lol x
Lol! I've just seen this post, I started a similar one earlier-it came from nowhere, I'm worried I'm gonna full on wet myself in tesco or something...! X
ive been loads of pelvic floor exercises and i still let a teeny bit go when i sneeze :-(

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