Peein in the garden!!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2010
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Need help on how to stop my 3yr old peein in the garden,he is so crafty wen he does it but it's not just the back garden,he does it on the drive aswel wen he out playin with his brothers!!
I just caught him,he said he was goin to get somethin out the front room,I was in the kitchen and saw him run up the garden path behind a bush at the back of the shed and could clearly see him I shouted at him (my neighbours must laugh at me screamin 'matt,stop peein in the bush') then he came in and I sent him upstairs to the toilet,he asked 'could u see me near that bush mummy?!' he just doesn't see any wrong in it and he thinks it's a joke,he even pooed in the garden the other week and blamed the dog!!! Help!!!
lol, mine have done this too and still do it randomly when they can't be bothered to come in! (just wee's lol). sorry no advice though, they think it's too funny!
im looking for advice on this!! ffion has taken to peeing in the garden, its terrible! i think it started because it was an accident and i told her it didnt matter because she didnt mean it.. now when she goes outside to play i think she wees on purpose!! its nearly every time we go to play outside *doh*
I just asked him y he does it and he said it's because he's a dog :wall2:
Laceys started weeing in the garden too and when I ask why she says she can't be bothered to go to the toilet! When I catch her I tell her it's naughty and she has to come in for 30mins as time out but tbh it hasn't worked yet cos I'm still catching her doing it! Just hope she doesn't do it when she starts school!
No advice i'm afraid but my friends 4 year old does this and she's finding it a nightmare to get him to stop too
My (now 4) daughter did this a lot two summers ago (2 and a bit) just after potty training. It was my fault she started cos we (me,her and Granny) were on a remote country walk one day and I was bursting and ended up having a quick piddle in the long grass!! She thought it was funny to "pee on the grass" for a while. I just didn't make a big fuss about it and luckily it stopped once the weather got colder and she wasn't outside so much - also she weed on herself once or twice and I think that helped to stamp it out too (this is not so likely with a wee boy I'd presume).

Sorry I don't have much advice to offer - but perhaps somehow trying to get him to see the garden as part of the house (he wouldn't pee/poo on the kitchen floor for example)??
What about letting him choose a small kids watering can and then fill up a bucket of water for him to keep filling it up, and tell him he can water the garden anytime he wants. Then he might swap the ideas.

Mine did this and we got out of it, purly by making them sit on the naughty step , but it took a good while.

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