Peed Off


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2008
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as lots of you know, i took my son to the doctors today, ok so im not exactly old, but it doesnt stop me being what i believe is a good mum to my son. i got home in a rage and Shaun made it even worse by saying. 'its just your hormones' if one more bloody person sayd hormones to me.... :evil:

this is the convo i had with the on call docotre today, Tw@t!

Me [to receptionist]: Jerome James to see Doctor Priteshi
Dr: [turning round behind her] yes?
Me: This is Jerome james, Romi, we rang last night, he has this rash.
Dr: where is his mother?
Me: [getting peed off] I AM his mother [sitting down]
Dr: [grumbling and staring me up and down] i see
Me: his rash...
Dr: what about it
me: what is it
Dr: you just said yourself it's a rash
Me: [totally peed off but stil calm] yes, but what sort, he doesnt have a temperature, he was ok last night he...
dr: [cutting me off] he seems fine to me
Me: [taking Romi's top off] does that look fine to you [showing his rash]
Dr: well it's no wonder he gets ill if you rip items of clothing his for no reason like you just did.
Me: i did it so you could see
Dr: my glasses help me see child
Me: im not a child thank you very much, i just wanted to know what this rash is
Dr: its a rash
Me: can you make it go away
Dr: i could if i could see it, can you remove his top please
Me: but i just...[shutting up and doing it]
Dr: [staring closely] it's a rash, yes.
Me: and?...
Dr: take him home watch his temperature, give him calpol if it increases...i take it your mother does have calpol at home?
Me: me and his dad do yes
Dr: and how old is this father figure
Me: 21, sorry what does this matter [standing up after putting Romes t-shirt back on]
Dr: well it certainly matters when children of your age bring other children into the world and let others bring them up, I can see your about to be doing it again in the distant future [nodding at me tight :oops: top]. What did your mother say about the rash?
Me: she hasnt seen it
Dr: lord give me strength, take him home and get someone to look after him if he gets any worse.
Me: thanks very much for all your help [sarcastically] i shall be using another doctors next time.

grrr :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: pisses me RIGHT off, wanker
OMG!! I am reading your post and looking like this... :shock: :shock: :shock:
How rude!! I can't believe someone would speak to you like that and be so unhelpful! I would put a complaint in about her!!

Hope you are ok and have managed to calm down.
:hug: :hug:
OMG!!!!!! :shock: :shock: :shock:

I would make a complaint. That is disgraceful. It is his job to TREAT YOUR SON not comment on your age, circumstances etc..

I would be SPITTING.
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
I am soooooooooooooooooooo :x :x :x
WHAT a compleat c*** excuse for a doctor
they are not there to judge the doctor had NO RIGHT to speak to you like that.
Report her that is a disgusting way to talk to someone
ohh i am so annoyed for you hun
You our 20 not 13 for god sake you are more then capable of bringing up a child
how DARE she talk to you like that
right down what you have said above and send a written formal complaint.

Big hugs from me Hon
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
thats why i wrote it down, so i know i keep it. i am deffo saying something and complaining.

i probly wrote it wrong, sorry, but HE was about 50 and didnt even seem to be very good at speaking English! *if this sounds racist i dont mean it to be, i am IN NO WAY RACIST!* but he wouldn me up. Jesus christ if i was 14 or 15 i could maybe understand but i'm not, im almost 20 and i dont need some knobscratch to telll me to get my mum to watch him! i havent spoke to my mum in almost 2 years and dont intent to start now! she can buggar off, plus, everything he said, i'd either done/was going to do anyways! stupid knob, wish i'd thrown up on his lap, i could have quite easily done!
What an absolute twat! I would have gone off on one if that was me. Some people are far to rude. In his profession he should not be judging people at all!
I can't believe anyone can say things like that!
Age plays no factor in whether or not you are a good parent at all!
Good on you for not walloping him one, I might have done!
Definately go see another doctor from now on, and i'd make an official complaint. It's not a doctor's place to judge you in any way.
Grrr, I am actualyl SO angry on your behalf.

:hug: for you :)
luckily i never have to see the dick again, it was an on call surgery we went too, i wouldnt go back there if you paid me. I rang my MW in tears haha and she came round. He just has an allergy to something, we just changed his formula so it could be that she thinks. He has some very gentle antiobiotic anti inflamatory things and it should go within 24 hours :D

finally someone knows what they are on about. I want to hit him now! dick! i hate people like that lol. Thank God for my MW lol.

How awful!! Really sorry to hear you had to endure that and well done for not punching him on the nose!!!!

If it were me I'd probably complain! You're not exactly a 14 year old mother (and he would still be way out of line even if you were!!!)
i am complaining dont worry, if they can afford a new million pound complex, they cam afford some 'child' comlainin! lol

seriously i felt like i was about 14 the way he was speakin
OMG, is he for real????? I really think he should get disciplined for talking to a patient like that - shame you didn't record the convo! But hopefully if you make a formal complaint they'll take you seriously xx
What a complete w**ker :shock:

Definitely complain :shock:

Im shocked that a doctor would speak to you that way.

Mind you I was 18 when I was having DS and when I went to see my GP at the time about something she turned around and said to me ''I'm glad you are not my 18 year old daughter that is pregnant'' to which I replied ''And i'm really glad you are not my mother either''.
I went home and told my dad what she had said he went beserk and wrote a letter of complaint.
Big Fat Complain!!!!!!!!!!!!

........and let us know the outcome.

Sounds like my old doctor who when i went to him because I couldn't stop throwing up for days (wasn't pregnant) he asked what I expected him to do about it. :roll:
:shock: :eek: complain! complain! complain!

I can't belive any doctor would judge someone like that, I am absolutely shocked. They shouldn't be allowed to practice if they can't treat people with respect.

And since when was 20 too young to be a parent?!!
What a stupid excuse for a doctor!

Can't believe he said those things to you :x

Definately complain!
Some doctors seem to let their own cultural beliefs eefect their treatment of patients. Which is totally wrong.

He was totally out of line to first judge you on your appearance and then to put that judgement into verbal communication. That was totally disgusting!

He was then wrong to not even examine your son. What is his job, if he refuses to even examine a rash on a child? It could have been a worse case scenario. What then?

Find out who the out of hours practice manager is and certainly complain. This person is both incompetent and rude and needs bringing down a peg or two!
OMG :shock: :shock: :shock:

I ave just read this and i am totally amazed at how you have been treated. I can't believe it.

I would not have kept as calm as you did, well done.
omg how rude!!!! id definately complain

i no how you feel, im 27 but do look very young, i get id'd to get into places and to buy drinks still :oops:

i see people looking at my bump and frowning, i feel like saying yes im pregnant, im nearly 28, i have been with my partner ages, it was planned, we both work, now shove that in your pipe and smoke it

some peeps just have no idea hun :hug: you showed exactly how grown up you were by not biting at his petty comments
Mind you I was 18 when I was having DS and when I went to see my GP at the time about something she turned around and said to me ''I'm glad you are not my 18 year old daughter that is pregnant'' to which I replied ''And i'm really glad you are not my mother either''.
That is absolutely classic!!! I bet she wasn't expecting that and thought twice before saying it to anyone again!!! :rotfl:

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