PCOS diagnosis


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2011
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Hello girls,

I know I'm not really long term TTC yet but I had my internal scan today and confirmed that both ovaries are enlarged with lots of cysts inside. She also said my uterus lining is very thin which shows I'm not ovulating at all.
So all of this combined with my raised LH/testosterone and lack of AF, obviously equals PCOS :(
I'm feeling glad to know for sure, but also scared about what to expect. Got to go back to GP next Mon with official results and then I will be referred I guess to somewhere.

Its just scary to have it confirmed, my ovaries looked awful on screen.
I'm trying to find some positivity from somewhere, but it's feeling pretty bleak at the minute.

Hey Blondy,

I know its not the best news but a real positive is that you now know that you have PCOS and it is totally treatable. You will be able to get treatment to help and this will boost your chances so much more! FX for you!
Im glad to hear you have some answers hun, then you know what your dealing with, can be hard to accept tho :hug:

How long have you been TTC for? Did they say what your lining measured? (curious) xx
I've been off the pill about 4 months so been TTC since then. I went to get checked out as my mum and aunt both have pcos and I haven't had a period since stopping and have major acne/chin hairs :( Not much fun when TTC!
No she didnt say how thick it was, just that there wasn't much there.
Thanks girls, I agree it is good to know for sure, its just a little overwhelming at first.
I'm not overweight so I think they will refer me to think about clomid I guess.
How's your 2nd clomid cycle going Chazzabell? xxx
Thats so good you got looked at so soon, i got diagnosed 2 weeks ago :shock:

When i went she said my lining was 7mm....not sure if thats good or bad.

2nd cycle ok, they keeping me on 50mg, hot flushes were extremly intense tho :(, and quite bad OV pains. When i had scan last wed i only had 1 follicle almost ready, so i think im now roughly 1DPO-ish xxxx
Hey Blondy - sorry about the PCOS diagnosis :hug:

You don't have to meet both requirements to join us in here ;)

I hope they don't mess you around and get you right onto a treatment, whatever that may be xx
As I said in your other thread Blondy, I got diagnosed in Nov last year. Was told I had every symptom going and wasn't ovulating at all. I started meds (metformin) in Jan and my periods returned in Feb. By May I fell pregnant. Never thought this would happen. So stay strong and positive! Also, on another note when I had my 12 week scan they said my ovaries showed no signs of PCOS. Apparently this can happen. Pregnancy hasn't cured it but it makes me feel more positive for the future if I want more children. If you have any questions, please drop me a pm. I know a fair few people on here also suffer from PCOS who would be more then happy to help.xx
PCOS can be one of the most cruel defeminizing 'diseases' with weight gain, hairiness and infertility issues. I was diagnosed at 25 years of age, (I'm now 40). During my first marriage I tried a whole range of meds including metformin which I had to beg for at the time, plus ovarian drilling and nothing could get me to ovulate. My weight ballooned from 8 stone to 12 stone and then back to 9 stone in 2001 when my first husband left me in the middle of the night without explanation after 9 years of marriage. I never used to have periods at all until 3 years ago, the last 2 years have been regular, or at least I had 10 bleeds in 12 months and without medication. My weight became stable through diet (although not actively dieting) and it was only after I began to work in an all male environment (IT) that things started to 'work normally'. Very strange. I met the love of my life in December last year, we married this March and we are expecting. I am amazed that this has happened to me so please do not give up hope. Do your research and demand the best treatment available from your clinicians and if it doesn't work for a while, love and be kind to each other, and believe that sometimes miracles do happen. Big, big hugs xx
VikkiR what an amazing story , good luck with the pregnancy and you look stunning in your dress x x x
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