Just diagnosed with PCOS


Well-Known Member
May 18, 2011
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Hi girlies, i have just this week been diagnosed with PCOS.:roll: My Thyroid, insulin levels and female hormones are all normal but my testosterone levels are raised. My doctor has referred mr to the hospital to start whatever treatment i need (he said tablets but didnt mention what) I am just wondering if there is anything i can do to help balance my testosterone level out naturally whilst i wait for my appointment. I have already changed my diet and started excercising more.

Any help would be great

Not really sure if you can reduce it or not, but the docs are good at dealing with Pcos. I have it and after treatment I'm over half way through my pregnancy. Good luck x
Hi Sweetie,

I have PCOS - first thing I would say - don't listen to the horror stories!!!! The best way to control PCOS and bring everything into check is a low-GI diet and exercise. So, keep away from starchy, white carbs and eat wholegrains, pulses, fruit, vegetables and lots of protein and most of all, don't stress about it. My main problem was irregular periods, but since I've taken my diet and exercise into check I now have a regular monthly cycle (sorry if that's TMI!!) - (have recently been on pill though and had accidental pregnancy but I mean before then!! :-)) and all my other symptoms have disappeared. I have a lot of PCOS-buddies all in the same position - it can be really hard work, but diet and exercise are key to PCOS management, so as you're already doing that, you're on the best track!!

If you don't mind me asking, are you overweight? That sounds so rude! But weight loss can be a little more difficult for women with PCOS than women without PCOS, but eat the right foods, get some exercise, and it will happen :-)

That's probably just waffle, but hope it gives some slight comfort to know there are plenty of us out there!! (about 1 in 5 women are PCOS-sufferers or symptomatic)

Abby xxx
Hey Abby, i need to lose just under 2.5 stone to be back in my size 10's so im not massive!! Dont be daft thinking yor rude!!!I dont mind! I'm just glad of any help i can get!! I think the waiting for my appointment at the hospital is going to drive me mad tho!! i have irregular cycles too! Only had 2 periods since end of october!! xx
Sorry for your news Hun but there's a lot of girls here with PCOS BFP's, and the treatment is very successful. :)

I definitely believe the low GI diet is great for everyone, one you clear your cupboards and get going it's really not too bad and you do feel really healthy on it.

Try the south beach diet.

Ahh Nicky I know that feeling - I could do with being a good stone lighter but have hit a bit of a 'can't be bothered' phase!! Have to stop nibbling on office cakes!!! 2.5 stone is not much at all, many women with PCOS have a lot more to lose and as Maybe says there are lots of PCOS BFPs on here alone, so imagine how many there are beyond PF.... PCOS is just some big scary initials that frankly, you can kick the ass of!! :-)

On the cycle thing, I was about two stone heavier than what I am now about 8 years ago (still not exactly skinny!! A 12 on a good day!) and cycles were all over the place - once I'd lost the first stone, something just started to click and shock horror, one day, 33 days after my last AF started, I had another one - it went on like that practically every month ever since until I went on OCP for a while (we weren't TTC but condoms were just really killing the mood!!!!) xxx
Yeah i know the dreaded 2 stone that never seems to shift!! Well i think ive lost a few pounds tonight - we are having a massive clearout of stuff - seeling and giving away but we havent stopped since 7pm!

I think this 2 stone will go quite easily tho as there is something so rewarding waiting at the end of it!!!

Thanks Maybe i'll have a look at that diet!! How are you getting on hun??

You'll be fine Hun, don't worry.

I'm doing ok, having a bit of an argument with myself, everyone wants me go go out to different things all weekend that will involve lots of drinking, I feel like I want to go out and let my hair down but I feel on the other hand that I've just put myself through and spent a lot of money on having an operation and I want to TTC really healthily this month, OV won't be for at least 3 weeks though so I might be being silly?:eh:

I know how you feel hun, we have a work trip to scarborough for the day on monday and everyone is on at me to go. I just really dont feel like it at the moment. But its hard explaining that to them without going into detail!! I'm off work for 2 weeks at the moment and im trying to sort of chill myself out and come to terms with everything!! All you can do is whats right for you maybe go out and have only 1 or 2 drinks just to show your face. This TTC certainly puts a lot of things and the way we live our live into perspective!! xxxx
Yep sure does, although you could have yummy fish and chips in Scarborough, maybe start the diet Tuesday lol!

I guess this is the last bank holiday too.....:shakehead:

Keep focused on a baby hun and your determination will show thru and help you with your weight loss. Im naffa ta diets, but managed to shift my love handles by swapping Mars bars for milky vars, and filling up on red bush tea or fruit smoothies when i felt hungry, worked a treat. And keeping busy is always good.....i have a shed that needs clearing if you need another task? ;)

Maybe - Go out and have a few drinks, switch to Coke/ Lemo and tell everyone its got alcohol in....they'll never know, I'm not drinking till i go on holiday on 5th Sept - day after Ovulation.....but i will only be having a few, im determind to return with a :bfp:

Haha once ive completed our mammonth task here i'll think about your shed hun!!! I never thought of milky bars....... such a good idea!

Hope you come back with your BFP!!! xxx
They give you that chocolate fix you crave, and also my fave little treat at min......nutrigrain bars and a cup of tea...less calories than a cake or scone! Ha ha :)

Hey Nicky

PCOS is not much fun but it can be treated.

The girls have already mentioned following a low GI diet which from my own personal knowledge of the condition is the best thing you can do.

Its just knowing what to eat and what to replace it with, I have swapped normal potatoes for sweet potatoes, white bread for brown, and I have been trying to eat more fish and veggies as well.

If you google low GI it will give you some good tips for recipes.

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