PC & Console Games


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2005
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I am really a bit of a tom boy and wondered if any of you play pc or console games. I am an addict and my favourites are;

Resident Evil Series
Silent Hill Series
Final Fantasy X
Black & White for pc

What are your favourite games?

This is the only thing that is keeping me occupied in this heat !! :shock: :?:
Me too, i am a bit sad. I recently flogged my Gamecube though and my old Resi games - i only got it so i could play them!!

What games do you like?
cube is crap

ive got xbox , ps1 , cube , game gear , mega drive , snes , dreamcast , game boy , gba , jaguar , neo geo , master system , saturn :lol:

i love playing xbox live

rainbow 6
ghost recon 2
fifa 2005
pro evo 4

list could go on forever :lol:
first.time.daddy said:
cube is crap

ive got xbox , ps1 , cube , game gear , mega drive , snes , dreamcast , game boy , gba , jaguar , neo geo , master system , saturn :lol:

WOW - you really do nearly have them all !! I just have Xbox, PS2, PS1, PC and I used to have a cube.

Mind you when bambino is born i don't think I will get time to ever use them again :)
i will prob just sell them all soon

take up to much room

will keep xbox though :lol: i love xbox live to much
omg I used to love playing resident evil!!!

especially the one with 2 discs!!!

Was into the Sims for a while but it drove me nuts.

No new games that live up to resi evil :( Silent Hill just doesn't quite cut it.

Had a good game of crash bandicoot a couple of weekends ago which was fun lol

Lou :)
Yeah true but you still gotta have skill to play it man!

Mario 2 was one of my all time favourites and mega man.

Remember James pond? lol loved that one.
Did you have an atari or are you not old enough?
i am 23 , im old enough but i had a commodore 64 and commodore amiga lol oh and a msx
I had an Atari ST many years ago and before that a Philips games console !!

Man I am old !!

I also got into the Sims then got fed up too, you need to spend your whole life on it :)

It's great to see girlie mummy gamers here, and First Daddy as well ;)
i played the sims , but only to build a nice house . didnt like doing anything else :lol: :lol: :lol: :wink: :lol: :lol: :lol:
me too daddy but it is also fun to kill off your sims in different ways. My favourite is to build a room with a big fireplace and lots of furniture then watch it all burn down.

God i need to get out more :?

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