paying for a 20 week scan


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2007
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as most of you know i seem to be having my anomaly scan done at 16 weeks instead of the recomended 20 weeks
i will be paying for a private 20 week sexing scan anyway which is £50 but for £100 i can get the sexing and the anomaly scan done
do you think it would be worth paying the extra £50 just so i defanitaly know baby is fine
my worry is at the 16 weeks scan everything may look normal as its to early to tell yet something could be wrong
would you pay the extra?
manda xx
How come they are doing your anomoly scan so early?
i have no idea i thought it was a random scan but nope here at my hospital they do them at 16 weeks for odd reasons
im having my bloods dont then aswell
i see my midwife at 20 weeks but dont get anymore scans
seems to be the wrong way round
manda xx
I'm sure they wouldn't do the anomaly scan at 16 weeks unless you could see everything clearly enough. If i were you i would just book the gender scan and if after the 16 week one you have any worries or not everything could be checked you could always get the anomaly done aswell. This would save an extra £50 you could out towards a 4D one later!
I would probably cancel the 16 week scan. leave it a fortnight then rebook it for a time you prefer ;)
Yeah i was thinking that too Urchin. Cancel that one at 16 weeks and say you can't make it and get another appointment. It'll probably be a couple of weeks before they can fit you in anway.

Just be a bit crafty ;)
i wud just have the 16 week scan, they used to always only offer a 16 week scan, its alot of money to spend i think.
thats not a bad idea will speak to hubby about it when hes home from work
will it matter that it will mean my bloods are done at a later date as they will be done with the scan (to save time aparently)
manda xx
nope.. and tbh.. usually for 20 week scans a lot of women have to go bk the next week etc.. so they can get all the measurments they need etc..
well aslong as hubby thinks its a good idea il ring them up and ask them if i can have it done for them in 18 weeks il come up with some excuse lol
thanks all
manda xx
in my home district they only do a 16 week scan. I paid for a 12 week cos theres no way i could wait 16 weeks, and im paying for a 20 week anomaly scan too because im not in the area at 20 weeks. Well worth paying for peace of mind in my opinion.
I too would cancel it and rebook, say you are on holiday for two weeks abroad and can you have it when you get back, ie your 20th week.
spoke to hubby he said he would rather go to the 16 week one see what they say as if they cat see anything they shold arrange for me to come back
if not and then we will pay the extra
thanks all for your help
manda xx
i had a 18 wk booking scan (as switched hospitals) which was my 1st scan with my new hospital. i measured 17+6 she said if i was say 18 wks and a half she would have done anomaly scan then but as they like to get a good view of heart they would leave it and ask me to come back at 20 wks when baby is bigger. so i cant u/stand what ur hospital is doing. u should not have to fork out more money for scan. i would cancel appt and delay it so u are at least 18 wks plus. u have a right to question them and explain ur concerns on how well they can see baby at 16 wks and any other concerns.
good luck keep us posted

marie x
If it was me I would spend the money and have the baby checked over, they could miss something - its worth having that piece of mind and knowing your baby is alright.

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