20 week scan- 2D or 4D?


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2007
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i'll be booking in for the 20 week anomaly scan in the next few weeks.. As i will have to go private anyway, can i get the anomaly scan in 4D? Or is it too early to benefit from a 4D scan at 20 weeks?

also, anyone been to any private scan places near redditch? as thats where i'll be staying at the time of that scan
The anomoly scan needs to be 2d so they can see inside the baby and measure bone sizes, look at the heart chambers etc.

I think it is best to leave 4d for another few weeks after that til the baby puts on some fat and fills out a bit more- tyhe normally say roughly 26-30w I think for that depending on where you go
20 weeks is to early to get a detailed4d scan i think they suggest after 25 weeks? someone correct me if im wrong tho..

plus..i think u need the 2d.. so that the insides can be checked.. brain, heart stomach kidneys, bones.. etc
i have a 4d scan booked for 20th october and i will be 25 weeks +2
i phoned up the other week cos i wanted to cancel it and book it for sooner but the woman on the phone said theres no point cos you wont really see any of the babys features
I was told at BabyBond last week that the ultimate time for 4D is 28 weeks :D
ok, thanks girls, 2D it is then...means i just HAVe to book a later scan for 4D :clap: the more scans the better i guess hehe
Seemingly you should have your 4D scan at 25weeks+ ... as it has something to do with the amnionic fluid being clearer I think, and therefore you can see the features better :think: Mines booked for the 25th of October ... I'll be nearly 27 weeks by then I think
I think that the anomoly scan will need to be done in 2D.

I had a gender scan at 19 weeks and they gave me a look at baby in 3D. It was fantastic and the picture were much better than I thought they would be.

I had my 4D scan done at 28 weeks as recommended by the staff at baby bond.

Here are my pics at 28 weeks. http://i231.photobucket.com/albums/ee15 ... p12_05.jpg
The nearest 4d to redditch is Birmingham lol top of the M5 by wolverhamptom, I know i live in redditch and have been looking for places :D


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