Which scan should I book


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2008
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Good morning ladies :D

So Im going to book my anomaly scan as we dont get one on the NHS here.

The website is http://www.fetalimaging.co.uk

Im confused about what scan I should book..

There is a choice between the detailed scan at £200 or the Detailed scan with 3/4D at £250

However, it says that the detailed scan (anomaly) is best carried out at 20-24 weeks and that 3/4D images will be best at 26-32 weeks so Im not sure what scan to book?

what do you lovely ladies think?

I wouldnt be able to affoard for another 3/4D scan later on but dont know if I should pay the extra £50 if it will be too early for them to be clear? :think:

Thankyou :D

p.s my tummy has started to grow this week :dance:
The anomaly scan will check for any abnormalities and make sure baby's measrements are all ok. It will be a standard 2D ultrasoound and you'll get a full report afterwards. The 4D addition will show you so much more, but you would have to wait a few more weeks to get the best result from it :) If it's only an extra £50 to get the 4D addition then you could do that...depends if you're patient enough to wait those extra weeks hehe!

Awww bless you're getting a little bump now then? :D Yay! xxx
Well you get an anomaly scan at the hospital so perhaps get the 4d one when its time!?!?

I have got one this sat...cannot wait! xx
My trousers are getting tighter by the day - seems such a big difference just this week yay!!

Thanks hun - so you think I should go with the 4D..I have the patience to wait for it because it'll me such an amazing day for OH and I :D

So if they say detailed scan will be best 20-24 weeks and 3/4 will be best 26-32 how many weeks should I be for the combined for for best results?.
Mummy Rich said:
Well you get an anomaly scan at the hospital so perhaps get the 4d one when its time!?!?

I have got one this sat...cannot wait! xx

I dont get an anomaly scan at my hospital hun, we only get the dating scan at 10-12 weeks in my area :(
Personally i would go for the 3/4D scan so much more detailed and nice to keep forever :)

I just noticed your due 2 days before me! eeek exciting (and scary) isnt it? :dance:
what?!?! How bogus is that?

Perhaps have a look around and c if you get a combo package?!!?

I am sure that they will be happy to check baby over? Then you get the best of both worlds.

I was told 26/27 weeks is the best time to have the 4D, but then the 20 week scan is also really important as they can tell you the baby is measuring ok and has no visible abnormalities... It's rubbish you don't get a 20 week scan on the NHS where you are! :( How rubbish! xxx
The reason they say the anomaly scan should be done before 24 weeks is in case there is a problem and you need to decide whether or not you want to continue with the pregnancy - 24 weeks is the limit for a termination.

Sorry to put it so harshly, but that's why they say 20-24 weeks for the anomaly scan. If you want to know about any problems, go before 24 weeks, if you just want a peak at bubba, then go for the 4D scan later :hug:
And I agree, it's terrible that you don't get an anomaly scan on the NHS, to my mind it's the most important one of the pregnancy :hug:
Oh thanks for that info Chopsie - I didnt know thats why they recommended that time frame. Is there anything that it could pick up that would be treatable in the womb? I wouldnt consider termination if anything untreatable was found.
I think it depends on why you want the scan. As Chopsie said, an annomoly scan should be before 24 weeks in case you would want to end the pregnancy if something was seriously wrong. Having a scan after that date would just be to get a look at it i guess. Do you want to know the sex of the baby? If you want to stay team green i don't know if the more detailed one would give it away :think:
They check for growth abnomalities and make sure spine/neck are ok as well as internal organs. I had a mini one at 17 weeks 'cause of the problems I've had with little one and then the proper one at 20 weeks. Was relieved to know her measurements are as they should be and her internal organs look normal 8)

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