Painting on a budget.....


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2011
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The MIL (more commonly known as Chewbacca) is hopefully getting me a second hand swinging crib this weekend. It was going to be a S/H moses basket but I said no as I couldn't clean it properly with the tight weave.

Now, being on a very tight budget and looking at the price of baby safe paints (one sight wants £117 for 5 Litres :faint:) clever mummy has had the idea of doing candy stripes :). This way I can get testers and the cot will be good for the daughter we will have next time....OH's sperm have their orders lmao. I'll also get some more boyish fabric for the canopy etc

I've seen this site and am going to order some testers when the crib arrives, the colours will look lovely together and it should save us quite a bit....will post before and after pics when I can xxxxxxxx
Sounds lovely hun! Cant wait to see pics!xx
Oh wait.. I never even thought about paint being 'safe'. Isn't normal Dulux good for painting a nursery then?
I'm not sure about the walls but you need proper nursery paint for cots etc or anything else that can double up as a giant teething ring xxxxxxxxx
I think as long as the paint says it is low in VOCs then for a wall emulsion paint that should be ok. I have just bought Homebase own range wall paint and it says low in VOCs on the tin. Make sure the room is well ventilated when painting though - and I think you are safest to paint between 14 and 30 weeks pregnancy (read that somewhere, but can't remember where now!). Or better still get OH to do the painting while you go our baby shopping (my plan for next weekend!).

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