painrelief during birth!


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2010
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I wonder if any of you are planning to use painrelief duing giving birth, I have discussed with midwife and she suggested me to write a wishlist and I have wrote a full wishlist lol!
As I really found it hard last time and was refused any painrelief I am so nervous for that to happen again, could it be any chance the hopsital would not let me use painrelief during birth? As i am from Norway things work a bit different there, not everyone is offered painrelief and you are encouraged to have natural birth..
I think the best thing you can do is ask your midwife what the policy on pain relief is at the hospital you are attending. You could also get/hire a tens machine to help with the contractions. We were advised at our classes to start using it as soon as contractions start to get full benefit from it.
yes discussed it with a doctor too and she said this birth will be very different as I would get painrelief etc, will ask more next time xx
I would suggest you go with your body at the time. I used a Natures Gate Tens machine and Gas and Air. i have not hears great things about pethadin from people I know but did not try it myself.
I hope you got better advice from your midwife. Good luck. x
i would rather not have an epidural, just for the freedom of movement after the birth. but i would gladly have gas and air by the bottle lol x
i want to do it all naturally to but i never felt the pain so far on and what it feels like when baby comes through my flower does it really hurt that bit? x
i am going for a tens machine, gas and air and then if i really need to, have pethidine although i dont particularly want to as I heard it makes baby drowsy? But i suppose in the end it really depends on what happens at the time and how much pain i can take!
I dont think in this country they can refuse hun, Ive never heard anything like being refused pain relief here. I was going to do natural so used Tens and got in the bath and wanted water birth but he was back to back and things got complicated and had to have a c section so no choice in the end. Gas & Air is good as its out of your system immediately you could go with those options to start and if it gets too much take it further. Honestly babe I dont think there will be a problem with asking for pain relief here xxx
I Also suggest, just go with what you feel at the time. With my first labour I was induced so was expecting a longer more painful labour. I managed this with only G&A & he was back to back & I pushed for 3 hours as I WAS NOT having him sucked out :lol:

My 2nd labour I went into naturally. I was in the hospital & back home again in 3 hours. No pain at all, we giggled through it all & my MW was amazed! So no pain relief there for me!

I am hoping this time around that my labour is very much like my last one (One can wish :lol:)

German hospitals don't offer G&A so I don't want anything else other than this as I have a phobia of feeling nauseaus (sp) and feeling sick makes me panic!
i've had pethidine with all 3 of my labours. i want to try and just survive on gas and air this time but if all fails i'll probably have pethidine. i'm terrified of the thought of an epidural.
I'm having LO at a birthing centre hopefully, provided my iron levels go up, so that means no epidural for me! I'm planning on getting into the birthing pool first to try and control the pain, then gas and air if I need more pain relief. Then if that doesn't work, then I'll have pethidine. I'm just worried about both of those because I've heard it can make you nauseous, and that's something I'd really like to avoid! I hate feeling dizzy, and I have low BP and very bad anaemia so I feel nauseous and dizzy every day. I'm really confused as to what I want... It's about trying to balance the pain with everything else!

Think the best thing is to make a list of things you'd like to have, and things that you're dead set against and then go from there!

I was denied any pain relief until I got to 8cm with my 3rd child as the unit was too busy and I was shoved in a side room until they had a room (where the goodies are) for me. I was very distraught indeed, having had both epidural and gas for my previous two births. Having had the third baby with just the gas at the end I've gone on to have another with just gas and it was OK, but probably because it was fairly quick.
Of the three (I have 5 children) epidurals thet I've had, the first one worked a bit, the second failed to work at all and wasn't worth the agro and pain of having a needle shoved into my spine. The third was pure magic, and worked completely - I relaaaaaxed and read a magazine, dozed and had a thoroughly marvellous and pain free time (although I did also have some gas for recreational purposes!! it's smashing stuff and sure helps the time pass quicker!).
I was induced and I hear it is different,/more painful but not sure about that. I had a plan for natural but changed my mind at 4cms. It is the best decision I have ever made in my life - i would recommend an epidural be on stand by - i was having a big baby with lots of water too and everyone is different. I got it topped up loads - maybe i'm just a wimp though. Just wanted to give my honest opinion - but it is still raw in my mind, he is only a day old :)

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