painful sex after birth??


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2008
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Helloo mummies :D was just curious 2 know if after childbirth, if someone has an episotomy but they wait 6-8 week or untill fully healed will it still be painful the 1st time they have sex :think: or even if they don't have an episotomy will the 1st time still hurt xxx
I had a 2nd degree tear during birth so was extremely sore afterwards for quite a while. I think we waited about 3 months after birth to actually have sex cos I was so nervous it was going to hurt or rip open or something, but it actually was ok. Felt a bit uncomfortable but I think that was mostly due to me being so tense about it, wasn't actually anything to do with the stitches! Physically you should heal quite quickly in a few weeks, but I would wait until you feel psychologically ready too, cos being tense and nervous will not help! You won't know until you try it, but it should be ok if you're all healed up.
I waited 4 weeks after I had Tia and I had several 3 degree internal tears and an a episiotomy... and it did hurt... It took a few attempts for it not to hurt...

This time round I've only had three stitches but it hurts much more...and I think it will be a while before I attempt anything amorous, which is such a shame cos I'm horny already :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
lmao Squig!!!

I couldnt even entertain sex for weeks after i was sooooooo sore! I had an epist too but my stitches bust open 3 days after so down there was a no go zone!

When i was getting back into the swing, it did hurt for a few times but now its fine hunni, i think like the other posts have said if you think its gong to hurt you tense up and you dont enjoy anything. I would say to relax and try and enjoy it...squeeze hs bum....tightly!!! :rotfl:
I had a 2nd degree tear and it did hurt the first few times but I hadn't healed properly. Once I had had an op to repair it it was fine.
thanks 4 the replies, even if it does hurt when i actually get down to it i'm sure it won't be as much pain as what childbirth is going to be :rotfl: x
I had no episotomy or stitches and it was still uncomfortable for a few times afterwards. I didn't get rood til like 6 weeks after either..
xJuliex said:
even if they don't have an episotomy will the 1st time still hurt xxx
YES it effing killed! altho i probably tried it too soon i think it was just under 2 weeks. he only got it in once tho and i wouldnt let him back in! :talkhand: :lol:

ur right tho it doesnt hurt anywhere near like childbirth! the pain is a bit like losing ur virginity (altho i probably did that too soon too i wasnt quite 15!)
talk about putting me off trying!!! I keep dreaming about sex but only 4play so far. Need to get back on the mini pill first!

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