
yep. i hope when she comes sunday things will start moving for me. A week early baby is just the ticket!
i had a feeling you wud come before me too hun, i am feeling i will go way over with this one coz bubba seems really comfy:)
:( as if u have spd too, its horrible i hate it at least u havnt had to put up with it all through your pregnancy, not long now though :cheer: good luck!
Aww sorry i only just read this :hug:
horrible that it is SPd but you could have baby on sunday yay :cheer:

Jack was laid on a nerve at top of my leg for the last few week and it was horrid, i could have cried sometimes and was hobbling like a biddy
Sorry you are suffering Budge, no fun at all is it?! Sounds like you could be a mummy again by the weekend, which should ease the pain a little??
Good news Budge, I really hope you can take it easy until Sunday :hug:
Hope the pain gets a bit better so you feel more comfy, roll on Sunday :D
ouch hope it eases off - not long till you meet baby now, is it
i hope not.

i might phone her tomorrow. hubbys on call next week and if baby comes then he'd more than likely miss it.
might assk her to get me going tomorrow instead. ill see how the pain is.
hope it eases off a bit for you budge!!
good luck!!
Just spotted this, hope you get sorted, and hopefully you will have your LO very very soon!! :cheer:
Yayyyyyy :cheer: sounds like baby budge is on its way, sorry you feeling so crap hun, if you see midwife again today keep us informed :hug: in seeing mine today too, good luck hun and hope you have your little one soon :hug: xxx

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