

Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2008
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I am sat here close to tears with pain in the bottom of my bump. It kind of feels stretchy and really achy, and very tight, and I'm wondering if it's possibly stress related, due to an absolutely awful day at work or something.
LO has been moving lots as usual today, so I know it's ok in there, and I feel stupid ringing the hospital to ask them, and I am scared they'll ask me to come in, when I can't get there... I'm just at a bit of a loss.
Think after tea and once the kids are in bed, I might try a warm bath and an early night or something! :(
:hug: aawwww, I think your warm bath sounds good, but don't be scared to ring the hospital if it gets worse. I'm sure they will come and get you if they really think you need seeing too. xxxx
It hasn't got worse, but it hasn't got better either.... I had a bath, it made no difference. I've now got a hot water bottle, and am sat in bed, away from OH who lacks empathy and sympathy and is pretty much being a useless idiot today. I despair! :wall:
Awww poor you. Hope it's better by the morning. I spend many a night cuddling my hot water bottle :hug: :hug:
Had a pretty bad night's sleep - woke up at 2ish, 3ish and 4ish with the pain, but it had moved to my side. It felt like it used to feel when I had kidney problems years ago, but there's no kidney in that area now as I had it removed.
Got up this morning and felt it niggling, but not as bad.
Rang work to let them know I wasn't coming in as I was going to try and get an appointment with my midwife, they were fine. Took the kids to school, thought "actually, I think the pain's gone!"
Got home, sat here, and it's started all over again at the bottom of my bump! It is taking my breath away this time!
I know it's not trapped wind as I've been pumping as normal, and going to the loo as normal too, but it is making me feel sick.
Glad I'm going to the midwife at 11:15 today. Hope I get sorted out!
Good luck with the midwife appointment... perhaps it's a water infection? Hope it's nothing serious :hug:
Hope you get sorted honey, theres nothing as bad as being in pain and not knowing what is - even worse being awake on ur own at that time of the nite....

Good luck anyhow :hug: :hug:
Thanks everyone.
Well I'm back from the midwife. Not sure how I feel now, but the pains seem to have gone for now, which is good. She was really good and reassurred me not to feel stupid phoning the hospital or even just turning up if it ever happens again. She basically said if it is premature labour and I leave it, it could be too late for them to administer drugs to stop it from progressing.
She thinks I may have SPD as the pelvic pains are pretty bad, so she's asked me to see how it goes and let her know, and she may need to refer me for physio.
Also, I now have glucose and protein in my wee, so she's coming to see me on Monday to test it again. Cripes!
Think I'd better ring work and tell them I won't be back until at least Tuesday! x

I am sorry you are experiencing so much pain and hope you recover soon. Are you having any problems moving your legs or separating them. It does seem like SPD especially if your midwife reckons so. I am an SPD sufferer and have been off work since being eight weeks pregnant and am relying on crutches to help me get out and about. It really hurts in the pelvic and pubic region. All I can cope with at the moment is taking the kids to school and then 'couching' it until it is time to do the school run again. I had an appointment at the doctors today and he signed me off for another eight weeks so it seems like I will be off until I start maternity leave... Good luck and look after yourself.
Thanks for the reply. Basically, sometimes when I've been sat down for a while, when I get up it feels like my pubic bone (sorry if TMI!) is going to explode! Also when I walk, it feels like my undercarriage ( :rotfl: hate that word!) is going to collapse and fall. My left hip aches in bed, and it's a real struggle to roll over and change position once I'm settled for the night... the pains I had last night were different, but she said it could be a combination of Braxton Hicks with the SPD making it feel worse. I'm going to see how it goes over the weekend and let her know on Monday when she comes.
Sorry to hear you're in so much pain with it, and that you have been for so long! Must be awful! :hug:
Hiya, yep - sounds like you have SPD. In most women it starts from around 20 weeks. Make sure you take it easy and get referred to physio so they can give you a tubigrip to support your pelvis and maybe crutches if walking becomes difficult. Sorry you've got this awful condition. I have to rely on my kids and husband to dress me up in the morning as I cant lift my legs or get in the bath unaided. If you get to physio early then they should be able to minimise the pain for you. In the meantime take it easy and look after yourself xx
Oh you poor love! I can't believe how bad that must feel for you.
Thanks so much for the advice on the SPD.
I'm also a bit worried about the glucose and protein, seeing as both can be indicators from kidneys being overworked, and I only have one kidney as it is!
One thing after another!

You take it easy too :hug:
Sorry to hear you are in pain :(
Hope you start feeling better soon!! :hug:
Shiny, what has your midwife said about the protein etc. Is there something you can do to reduce the protein and glucose or is this a blonde question............ I hope that it goes down and is not an indication of your kidneys being overworked like you are worried about. :hug: I am due a glucose test in May as my last baby was nearly a ten pounder - and I was induced a few days early, so my midwife is worried tha I might have had too much glucose. Good luck
It's not a blonde question, I wondered the same thing! :lol: She didn't suggest anything to reduce it, she just said she'll come on Monday to do a repeat dip in a new sample, and check how I'm doing.
The pains have gone, just the pelvic aches and pains remain now.

Thanks everyone, you've all been lovely! :hug:

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