Pain when I sneeze


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2007
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Does anyone else get this. I am fine if I bend over or bring my knees up to my chest but a couple of times
I have sneezed while lying flat in bed and the pain was unreal. It is a real stabbing pain in the left hand side of my groin
that goes on for about 5 seconds after the sneeze (which seems like ages).
I had that! its not too bad now but i know to tense up before i sneeze!
i think its just the muscles stretching and becoming thinner that makes it hurt.
yep I get this, I think it is very normal and dont stress myself about it anymore, its just your ligaments adjusting :eek:
Thanks for the replys :D
I couldn't believe a sneeze could be so painful.
Hi Dotty
How are you other than sore sneezes? Weren't you having "tummy" troubles - I hope that you;re feeling a bit less "stuffed up"!!!
Just wait til you get to the point where you sneeze and try your hardest not to wee yourself :roll: My tummy still tenses up a lot when I sneeze now :wink:
Hi Kylie, I am still v bunged up and still on the Lactulose, delightful I am just getting used to it now and have decided that
thre is nothing I can do about it really. But I am doing really well. Tired
but I think it is that end of term thing.
How are you? I only have 4 weeks left at school till the summer hols I cant wait to finish it is going so quick.

Snuggle: Oh my goodness weeing when you sneeze another delightful way that pregnancy makes you loose your dignity
:lol: where will it end :lol:
I'm tired too but think it's an end of term thing...everyone else is tired! We've got 3 weeks of kids left and 4 wks till we finish - half of school being knocked down over summer hols so need to do big move!! Feeling good otherwise - can't wait to feel baby move!
The first time is a shock isn't it?! I've had it twice now and both times was amazing at the gush of pain that went through my pelvis from my left side. And I haven't had it any other time other than when I'm lying down sneezing!

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