Pain in stomach


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2011
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This is a bit random but I've had a pain all day today and am wondering if it's something to worry about.

It's quite high up (so above right ovary) it comes and goes. It doesn't "feel" baby related?

I can't explain what kind of pain it is though? I know it isn't the following: Period type pain, wind, bad tummy. Nor is it aching or nagging. It's not a 'muscle' pain either.

I have eaten today, I go for number 2 regularly and I feel fine.

What do you reckon? Keep an eye on it and see if it is still there tomorrow / gets any worse?

does it feel like a stabbing kinda pain? i get this too if it does x
Nope, it's not stabbing either?

It's weird, it is there and I feel it every now and again.

It isn't massively painful, just annoying?

So odd...

I am usually quite specific about aches and pains but cannot quite put my finger on this!

are u having any weird discharge or blood or any scare warning signs
are u having any weird discharge or blood or any scare warning signs

Nothing at all untoward in that respect.

As I say it doesn't feel pregnancy related?

It's not painful just an occasional pain in my tummy?? Kind of like a pressing feeling if anything?

are u having any weird discharge or blood or any scare warning signs

Nothing at all untoward in that respect.

As I say it doesn't feel pregnancy related?

It's not painful just an occasional pain in my tummy?? Kind of like a pressing feeling if anything?

Maybe it's gas? sorry just not very medical myself. I get an itchy tummy sometimes when baby is kicking lol.
Lol , is baby carnat rearranging the furniture in there ? lol
I get a bruise like pain (sorry that doesnt make much sense) as if Im pressing on a sore bruise. I have a cyst and always thought it was something to do with that but its further up than the cyst so it could just be the baby pressing on organs and making everything push against the cyst. Apparently corpus leuteal cysts are very comon in pregnancy and most woment dont realise they have it. Could it be that??xx
I suppose everything inside us is shifting around all over the place! Maybe have a chat with your m/w if it's still bothering you tomorrow. Hopefully it will go away soon :) xxx
Interesting you mention cysts as I do have a 'small normal' cyst on my right ovary - less than 2mm.

It was present at my 7 week scan and at a previous scan (part of my recurrent miscarriage investigations) so was deemed as a "normal" cyst and the Dr said it is not dangerous but not pregnancy related.

Then at my almost 10 week scan it was picked up again but I was told it was a corpus leuteal cyst so it was pregnancy related and it would be reabsorbed into my body as the pregnancy progressed.

Nothing at all was mentioned about a cyst at my 12 week scan??

I've had a few mysterious pressure sort of pains but put it down to the baby doing something as it's recently started having a good stretch (if I lie down and feel my bumpy area the baby is sometimes poking up in random places)... Maybe the baby having a good fidget or resting on something?

Hope the pain goes away for you soon, definitely contact your midwife if it's worrying you. Nothing worse than sitting around worrying :)

Ive to get mine drained at my section if it is still there. I think mine was present way back in October but can't be sure but thats when I first felt pain and bleeding after sex (TMI). I didnt realise I was pregnant and went to the doctor with the pains coming from the ovary. Turns out I had been growing a baby and a big watery cyst.

Could well be that CARNAT as the pain sounds like what I get. Sometimes mine gets really severe like its twisted which is when they say to keep an eye on it. Ive been offered a procedure now to drain it but that obviously comes wit risks, so I have decided to hold off and have it sorted when the baby is being delivered. makes sense. Paracetomol every 6 hours curbs my pain and occassionally they have given me co-codamol 8/500. But I am too scared to take that. Hate even having paras but I need to trust what the doctor and MW say.

Hope it settles soon - I would defo ask though so you have peace of mind.
I'll keep an eye on it and if no improvement in a day or so I'll ring the maternity unit and see what they say.

I'd feel like a right dope ringing up and saying "I have a pain but I can't describe it" :shock: :shock:

I am not worried as such, but no-one wants to feel random stomach pains do they?

Take paracetomol and have a lazy afternoon if you cam
I'm not actually in pain, it doesn't hurt as such but it is definately there!

I'll chill this evening and see how it goes tomorrow...

Thanks everyone..

I meant to say before I posted here I rang OH and told him, he said pretty much what you ladies have said - so there is hope for him yet :lol: :lol:

Its probably nothing serious sweety dont worry, i asked my mum ( shes a doctor ) and sshe said at 15 weeks your organs are starting to shift a little to make room for bellybean so it could just be that, pregnancy gives you all kindsa random twinges. Go to gp though as i know what you are like and you will worry about it :hugs:

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Awww thank you sweetie,

I am actually not worried, just wondering if I should be worried if that makes sense???

I'll see how it is tomorrow!!

I'll also double check there was nothing mentioned about my cyst at 12 week scan

Bless him.

I am not always in pain either but they have me taking paras every 6 hours as aparently after 32 hours they enter a theraputic level......never knew that so I am guessing if Itake them all the time thats why I am no longer feeling it. Will see what its doing injust over 3 weeks anyway when I get my 5th scan!!!xx
I've had this before and it's been gas related for me. I usually just sit on the toilet or upright in bed and rock back and forth and side to side and usually let a good one out!! Usually feels better after that :) xx
I've had this for the past few days- Its LO being a bugger! Its sort of just below my ribs on the left (always same place) and is soooo uncomfortable, like when I yawn, take a deep breath, even sat upright. Then I'll move about a bit and it goes for a while. x

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