Pain in lower back?


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2011
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Hi Girls,
I'm sorry if this has been asked before but has anyone experienced pain in their lower back?
I'm 9/10 weeks pregnant and its only started happening today. Only when I walk too.
I think I just need some reassurance that its not a sign of miscarriage :( x
I have it but I do have a back injury - so that probably doesn't help you .. sorry

Your uterus growing pushes everything else around (that is my best medical/scientifc explanation :lol: call me Dr Tweet)

And because of my back injury and all the physio etc i've been through I know that a lot of adults can have problems in their back without even knowing about it - not getting any pain etc. It may be that your uterus is pushing on something that is slightly damaged (nothing to worry about in that case)

Other than that as far as Im aware its still common in early pregnancy
No hun its not a sign of miscarriage. I got lower back pain A LOT in tri 1, mostly in the evenings.
Its just another one of those aches and pains that we have to grin and bear.

I don't get it too badly now, but it still makes an appearance every so often x

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I got it a lot around 9/10 weeks dw! x

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I'm getting lots of lower back pain too and i'm similar stage to you. just at the top of my bum! very annoying, hoping it settles soon. have to lots of getting up and down at work so really not helping.
Your ligaments are loosening up due to the hormone levels, which can result in joint pain, including your spine. Perfectly normal part of pregnancy. If it starts to get too bad or happens in your pelvic region get yourself referred to the physio to check for spd xx

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