Packing my hospital bag!


Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2012
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I'm so excited to be packing my hospital bag! Can't believe we're at this stage already!

Does anyone have any tips of how many of each thing to pack or things ive maybe not thought of? How many maternity towels and breast pads, nappies etc should I take? And are first size sleepsuits likely to be ok or should I take a couple of sizes?

Eeek so exciting!! X
I have no advice as first timer! But I have packed a 10pack of maternity pads (another pack will be sore int eh car win a pack of size 1 nappies) have 6 nappies in the bag, got a selection of different sized gros for bub, ranging from newborn to 1month to 0-3! Have a couple of nighties for me, a few breast pads. And the usual stuff! Hope that helps xx
Personally I would stock up on the pads I git through a lot!! I never used that many breast ones tho. Clothes I took 3 outfits n a few blankets n that was fine as you can get hubby to pick up more if needed.

Really need to tthink about my bag esp as I will b induced early now.

Well done being so organised!!..this is defo on my list of things to do next week.
Thanks everyone! That's really helpful. I dunno if I'm taking too much then, I have a full pack of 24 nappies, 30 maternity pads and 10 breast pads. Suppose if ive got room in the bag it's better to have more than I need than less although OH can always get extra if needed. Getting there! Thanks again x
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Eeeek so exciting to be at hospital bag stage! In mine I have 10 breast pads and several maternity pads and vests and babygrows in newborn, blanket, 10 nappies, cotton pads , nightie, pjs, wipes, got a nice outfit for baby to wear to come home in its what my other sons wore. It's so exciting. :) xx
Oh and bibs too - I've packed quite a few as baby sick and dribbles I found I went through alot! and a baby towel if washing baby. But I usually stay in for 3 days, so I needed a lot of stuff! :) I'm sure you won't take too much but even if you do, it's best to be more organised! :) exciting! Xx
Ive started mine now too as i might end up induced early, its quite exciting. Love making a list lol bought some stuff in primark and superdrug think im almost done just want a little fan and bits for babies bag and an actual bag for babies things xx
If like me you like to be in control I would pack a back up bag and leave it at home or in the car for OH to collect if needs be. Makes it easier and quicker for him and also means you don't have that annoying thing where they bring the wrong stuff, lol.

I would also recommend taking a few normal sanitary towels. I ended up with an emergency c section and did not have enough blood to warranty the very uncomfortable maternity towels.

Good luck ladies. X
3 packs of pads
10 breast pads ( milk doesn't come in for a few days )
Nursing bra if needed

Baby clothes wise - it's a very individual thing. Some will tell you ther baby didn't fit newborn etc.

I'd take 3 of each, I.e bodysuits and sleepsuits
1 hat
1 muslin
Couple of bibs
Cotton wool pleats ( the balls are a waste of time - pleats are awsome)
Baby wipes ( for you and baby )

Nappy wise take a full pack or take half and leave half in the car with 3 of each 0-3 month sized clothes just incase newborn doesn't fit

Loads of other bits of advise but don't wanna harp on- just replying to your post lol

Pack your bags with your partner. So he knows what's where and what's in there. I made hubby and it was a God send as he knew what was in all the bags - when I was bed bound after a spinal - it made things easier as he could grab stuff
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Thanks everyone! That really helps and think I'm pretty much done. Had packed cotton wool balls but I'll change them to pleats and forgot about buying a fan so I'll do that too and pack a baby towel. Ive put all my spare stuff (big knickers, nappies, pads etc) in one drawer so that OH can hopefully just be given a list and grab from there if needed. Ive packed some Muslins...not really sure what they're actually for? Lol is it to catch babys sick? Like put them over your shoulder? X
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For mopping up sick and dribble. And for putting over shoulder or under chin when winding. Also good to help with modesty when breast feeding if in public or in front of family/friends. We use them under baby's chin when feeding instead of bibs as bibs are too big for our little man. X
Don't forget hair bobbles, I always lose mine. Just bought travel size miniatures of deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrush, shampoo etc. oh and I've already stuck my spare iPhone charger in my little suitcase already xx
Once you have baby you will wonder how you ever lived without a Muslin cloth ~ there are 99 uses for them! I would also pack kirby grips, if like me you have a fringe that will annoy you mid labour, and also a straw, so you don't have to sit up to drink in labour!! I also took a bottle of squash as the hospital will just provide water and I am rubbish at drinking plain water xx
I have also packed a 'daddy bag' so I've put spares in there for him to like fresh underwear & tshirt etc & also some lucazade as my midwife recommended an energy drink (not red bull) & some flapjacks as that are slow release energy!
I know we all hope for quick labours but I think it's a good idea to have more than you need just incase x
I've packed what I need clothes wise for me and baby. Just need to pack bits n bobs like toiletries and baby stuff xx
A few tips I have been given:

* Lip balm or vaseline ladies! because your lips get awfully dry and cracked in labour apparently

*If you have a C Section - peppermint tea is supposed to help with getting rid of trapped wind caused by the operation and will help digestion.

* Fluffy socks - your feet get cold in labour apparently so some warm socks on those tootsies should help.

* Eye mask - if you are put on a post natal ward and baby has a nap midday - an eye mask can help relax if you want to catch some zzzsd too it might help if it is light on the ward.

*Modesty blanket or scarf. If you are a little apprehensive about breastfeeding on the ward and would like some privacy this is a great idea. Plus you can pop it round your shoulders if you get chilly so multiple uses.
This is a brilliant thread I'm bumping it up all suggestions welcome although thinking I'll need a suitcase at this rate!

Great tips xx
Oh God keep seeing this n thinking I really must start packing!!


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