Owwwwwch! :(


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2010
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OMG! My back and my hips are KILLING me!!
Sciatic pain and pain when moving, it HURTS! :mad:

Is this coz of weight gain or something??
Oh no, poor you. I know how you feel though, as I've been suffering from back pain for the last week or 2. It doesn't help having a 1 hour drive to work each way and then sitting in front of a PC all day long! I try to go for short walks when I can as I thought this may help - it definately gives you a good nights sleep. I also ask my hubby to massage warm oil into my back before I go to bed and that feels lovely.

I was hoping I wouldn't get aches this early on as it's probably only going to get worse from now. Oh and having a soak in a hot bath helps too!
Oh, I wish those things worked for me :(
It seems to be aggrevated by walking, and also I can hardly move for it when I'm lying down, so there's the bath out.
I don't think my OH would be sympathetic enough to rub me with anything before bed LOL

I'm just hoping that with it being my hips as well as my back that itdoesn't turn into SPD or anything like that :(
I find I get sciatica when on my feet for too long and when the babies sat on the nerve! Try a nice warm bath x x
I would love to Lacey's Mummy, but it hurts to lie down in the bath :(
Think baby must be sitting on something hun, can you go and see your GP and see what they suggest?

Hope you get some releif soon
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Aww you have all my sympathy! *touch wood* my sciatica hasn't been too bad, although there have been a couple of occasions when I've suddenly lost feeling in my left leg at work and disappear behind the till :p
Have you put on a lot of weight very quickly? I suppose if joints are loosening up ready for birth etc and then they suddenly have to hold up a lot more, then the ligaments/muscles end up taking some of the strain?
I find sometimes stretching in certain ways dislodges baby or whatever is on the nerve as I get this in my leg too. Hope its not SPD hun.

Ive been getting very bad back ache and sometime my stomach feels like something is pressing agasint it which may be the baby stretching but a nice warm bath or just having a lie down every now and then does seem to help but if your getting very bad try aving a word with your midwife hun x

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