Oww help!!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2010
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I have got really bad period pains, and feel like bubs is really pressing down it's getting really uncomfortable to even walk about!!!! Do u think this could be start of things?? Also my tummy been playing up ( tmi) anyone else have this before they went into labour... I'm a bit scared xxx

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iv never gone in to natural labour but does def sound like a good start hun
it could be the start of something hun!it is quite normal to have symptoms like that towards the end of pregnancy anyway cos everythings running out of space! good luck if this is it :hug:
ooh hope its the start of things for you!! good luck if it is! ive heard common things are sickness and diahorrea at start of early labour :D xx
Sounds very promising honey! Fingers crossed for you x
sounds like it could be keep us posted xx
I had bad toilet problems and period aches before labour started so sounds promising! Goodluck!! x x
Ooo sounds like this could be it!! How exciting, good luck!
I have been like this all week if it's time it will come my advice is paracetamol and legs up watch a DVD lol you will know about it middle of the night if it's true labour xx good luck hunni x x x x x

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oooh Kelly, my phone is on standby!!! Really hope this is it for you.

I thought something was happening with me yesterday, think it was just something I ate though lol!
Thanks kathryn just waitin for somethin to happen now :( still feel the same really really heavy down there with a few stabbing pains and just generaly uncomfortable, will keep u all posted!! Xx :)

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How exciting for you, sounds promising - good luck if it is .. X
Ooh sounds like it could be the start of things, how exciting!!! Keep us posted :)

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