Own room


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2005
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At what age did your LO's go in there own rooms?

Ellis is too big for his mose basket now.... he was kick about in it yesterday and has made a blood blister on his little toes from kicking the end!! :(

So my next step is in his cot, but that is in his room and i am scared.

We put Elena in her own room right from night 1, with the baby monitor on so that I can hear if she is hungry etc. We started of with the moses basket standing in the cot, but a week or so ago, I have stopped using the moses basket as she was constantly hitting the sides.
we also put hassan in his room from day one! i put him straight in his cot and used moses basket when he slept downstairs during the day!
Jamie was in his moses basket in his room from day 1 but one of us was in there with him. He was 4 weeks & 6 days when he slept in their on his own, his door & ours is always open a bit so we can hear him. He's been sleeping in his cot for several weeks now as he's too big for his basket.

If you put him in a growbag with a nightlight, monitor & maybe one of these sound sensitive light show things he'll be entertained if he wakes, you won't have to worry about him getting cold etc & he'll be fine.

Do you put him in his cot for naps at all? that's what we started to do so he would get used to it before he went in it alone, so to speak.

Don't worry, he'll be fine & will be able to stretch out.
i didnt realise so many of you put your LO's in there rooms from day one, thats interesting.

Nicky- i have never put him to sleep in his cot, i have a grow bag, room temp, mobile etc all ready for him, but i am nervous that the monitor will not wake me.

Some nights i lay awake listening to him breath and I will not be able to with his monitor. :?

Aww hun, beleive me you will wake up to him
I have a theory that once we have babies we don't slep as deeply

Jack went into his own room/cot at about 6-8 weeks, and he was more or less sleeping through at that point
was he sleeping through in your room jo or started to sleep through when in his own room? xxx
Lydia doesn't have a room to go into lol - our house is teensy.

She was in her moses basket in our room until about 4 months, and then we put her into her cot (still in our room) which is where she still sleeps.

I really wanna move house.
I'm trying to keep Isaac in our room to as close as 6 months as poss but he's very long and fills his moses basket length ways when he's at full stretch.

I've been putting him in his moses basket in the cot for daytime naps to get him used to it for when the day comes that we have to move him in there.

I have the monitors switched on so that I can hear him.
Braydon has been in his room from day one its rite next to mine and i can hear him breathing etc from my room
I dont know how you girls kept your LO's in there baskets so long.

Ellis really sqaushed now.... he is 13 pound 6 and 59cms long.... how big r your LO's xxxx
About a week before Lydia outgrew her basket, she was 14lbs 14oz....so I'm thinking she would have been about 15lbs.

I dunno how long she was.
Isaac is just over 12lbs and 59.5 cm long at the last measurement. He pushes himself to the top of the moses basket but he still sleeps well in there. I'm not sure how many more weeks he'll be in there but I'm not keen to put him in his room on his own just yet.
keely im having the same problem... owen is 13lb 9oz and 64cms long :shock: he still fits in his basket but is not going to be able to stay in there 4 much longer! he did sleep in his cot at night and for his afternoon nap from 6 weeks but since he was in hospital and now had his jabs he doesnt like sleeping on his own so he is back in my room in his basket for a while.

the hv said hes too little to be on his own in his room but i found he slept better so next week hes going back in there :D am sure ellis will be fine and dont worry, you will wake up!! i always went in to check on owen a few times a night if i was worried haha he was always sound asleep!!

Seren has been sleeping in her own room for a month now and that was only becauuse she was just too big for her crib and because I was scared about her falling out of the bed now she is crawling. Sshe comes into bed at 4 -6 am when she wakes up, and stays there till mrning so I still have my morning smiles :D
hayley_17 said:
the hv said hes too little to be on his own in his room

yer i am sure mine will too so i am not going to tell her!! hehe. HV's are so annoying xxx
my HV is well stuck up.... she told me big brother was a horrible program haha and got the ump when i said i was bottle feeding! :evil:

and she would lose it if she knew i made all my bottle up at once with water!!! :rotfl:

Olivia went in her cot last week as she wasn't slleping too well in her moses basket, i moved her cot into my room for now as soon as she starts to sleep longer in the morning ill put her in her room! She is 11lb 2 now!

Kiara went in at 6 and a half months i was nervus but the best thing i ever did she slept sooo much better had much more room.


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