Hi there,
I really hope someone can help or offer advice.
Long story short I just turned 42, my partner is 45. We've been TTC for 2 years. Two losses in May & December & a short breakup with my partner last year. Cycles are around 32 - 38 days, but reflexology sessions are helping to shorten my cycles every month. I temp & test with OPKs every month. Last cycle was 32 days & my luteal phase seems to be a consistent 14 days. I've started a new regime based on research & advice from women who conceived using these treatments. I take 1000mg Royal Jelly per day, guaifenisin 2 x 5ml per day, 1 tsp cinnamon & 1 tsp honey per day, (plus Pregnacare conception & 5mg folic acid per day - but I've been taking these for 2 years).
This cycle, for some reason I felt I should test earlier - & I THINK I actually ovulated on 27th/28th of April, despite not being due to ovulate til around 4th May. I'm not certain that I did actually ovulate because I ran out of OPKs & couldn't test at the optimum time (typical!) but I had a lot of ovary twinges at around that time, and ewcm plus a lot of snotty cm (sorry if TMI!) but it kind of alternated. So I didn't get the ewcm constantly but on & off for a couple of days. I think the ewcm lasted longer than usual this time too - but think it could be because of the royal jelly etc. My OPKs before & after mostly had faint lines but there were a couple in between that were completely negative.
I'm very confused. I'm pretty sure that I did ovulate, but almost a week early which would make my cycle around a perfect 28 days. Also I'm
still getting the odd left side ovary twinge/ache even 3/4 days after 'ovulation'.
I am going through a lot of stress right now for various reasons which might affect my cycle, but I feel like with all the extra natural remedies I've taken I might have improved my ovulation. I'm just confused about the on/off ewcm & snotty cm. It's now back to creamy cm but my BBT was high on 28th April (4 days ago AND today - 1st May).
Can anyone relate or offer advice? It's driving me crazy. I don't want to see my GP yet because I want to see if my cycles remain at 28 days & I produce more ewcm like this month.
Any advice or support would be much appreciated.
Thank you. 😀
I really hope someone can help or offer advice.
Long story short I just turned 42, my partner is 45. We've been TTC for 2 years. Two losses in May & December & a short breakup with my partner last year. Cycles are around 32 - 38 days, but reflexology sessions are helping to shorten my cycles every month. I temp & test with OPKs every month. Last cycle was 32 days & my luteal phase seems to be a consistent 14 days. I've started a new regime based on research & advice from women who conceived using these treatments. I take 1000mg Royal Jelly per day, guaifenisin 2 x 5ml per day, 1 tsp cinnamon & 1 tsp honey per day, (plus Pregnacare conception & 5mg folic acid per day - but I've been taking these for 2 years).
This cycle, for some reason I felt I should test earlier - & I THINK I actually ovulated on 27th/28th of April, despite not being due to ovulate til around 4th May. I'm not certain that I did actually ovulate because I ran out of OPKs & couldn't test at the optimum time (typical!) but I had a lot of ovary twinges at around that time, and ewcm plus a lot of snotty cm (sorry if TMI!) but it kind of alternated. So I didn't get the ewcm constantly but on & off for a couple of days. I think the ewcm lasted longer than usual this time too - but think it could be because of the royal jelly etc. My OPKs before & after mostly had faint lines but there were a couple in between that were completely negative.
I'm very confused. I'm pretty sure that I did ovulate, but almost a week early which would make my cycle around a perfect 28 days. Also I'm
still getting the odd left side ovary twinge/ache even 3/4 days after 'ovulation'.
I am going through a lot of stress right now for various reasons which might affect my cycle, but I feel like with all the extra natural remedies I've taken I might have improved my ovulation. I'm just confused about the on/off ewcm & snotty cm. It's now back to creamy cm but my BBT was high on 28th April (4 days ago AND today - 1st May).
Can anyone relate or offer advice? It's driving me crazy. I don't want to see my GP yet because I want to see if my cycles remain at 28 days & I produce more ewcm like this month.
Any advice or support would be much appreciated.
Thank you. 😀