Can anyone explain o pains?
First round of clomid 2-6 currently cd9..
Surely its too early for O? Scan not until cd12...
BUT... I have a tight feeling in right ovary, not constant but when I walk or stand up quickly, its not a pain, not so much a pain, but a light stitch? usually my cycle is 26 days... I might be crazy and this is just my body playing tricks but I dont usually o, so does this sound promising or am I imagining?
Do I dtd or wait till the scan or what??
Lol help ladies!
Can anyone explain o pains?
First round of clomid 2-6 currently cd9..
Surely its too early for O? Scan not until cd12...
BUT... I have a tight feeling in right ovary, not constant but when I walk or stand up quickly, its not a pain, not so much a pain, but a light stitch? usually my cycle is 26 days... I might be crazy and this is just my body playing tricks but I dont usually o, so does this sound promising or am I imagining?
Do I dtd or wait till the scan or what??
Lol help ladies!