ovulation confusion...... sex everyday???


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2007
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hey everyone!
oh god these ovulation calenders are sooooo adictive, i sometimes find myself entering the dates like..... 3times a day, i swear im going mad!!!!!

the thing is, i dont exactly know when i am ovulating (being new to this) are my chances much higher is we just have sex everyday.... this month we have apart from Sat 28th, 29th..... now i am paranoid that we have missed our key dates... aww its so confusing! i feel like i am turinging in to a sex'a holic! lol i really dont want it to feel like a chour though.... :-(

testing on Monday 8th, with a First Responce... fingers crossed!
apparenty its better if u have sex every other day...better sperm apparently. And it lasts up to 5 days so im pretty sure that it wont matter u missed a couple of days. Relax and take it easy.
Good luck, hope this is your month!!!
I've read and heard that having sex 2-3 times per week is sufficient to get PG so I wouldn't worry to much about missing a couple of days hun. They also say that BDing every day can reduced the 'quality' of the sperm.

Good luck hun :D
Every other day is good enough or every three days. Why don't you get some ovulation strips off ebay? They are cheap but very good. It takes the pressure off the rest of the month and you will be able to chart your ovulation every month which comes in handy if you need to see your doctor in the future :hug:
I was exactly teh same with filing in my charts and because my cycles very from 27 - 34 days I ended up bd'ing every day for 2 weeks and I agree it can become a chore. I got really fed up with sex and the fun had gone.

I decided to buy a persona monitor, used it for the first month and got my BFP!!

It may not work so quickly foor everyone else but I was really impressed with the machine, it told me exactly which days I was ovulating and put the fun back into bedtime!

A bit pricy at £69.99 but if you purchase from www.boots.com they are only £65.00 and you qualify for free postage. Theres also some on ebay. if you buy form ebay though you need to look for one thats been re-programmed. Its also work taking into consideration that if you buy a brand new one you get all the test sticks you ned for the 1st month, normally this would cost £20 if you had to buy the sticks seperate.

Look on the persona website for more info

Hope this helps, if you want any other info about persona feel free to PM me.

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