Hi Girls,
I have been off my pill now for 2 months and so far have had only a 2 day bleed and some occasional spotting. Is it possible to conceive without my cycles being regular? I have had slight pains in my side recently below my hip bone, which although i know are probably nothing are quite sharp and a bit concerned as havent had them before. Noticed no change in cervical mucus. Its there but not egg white like people have described to me. Whats my body telling me?? HELP!
I have been off my pill now for 2 months and so far have had only a 2 day bleed and some occasional spotting. Is it possible to conceive without my cycles being regular? I have had slight pains in my side recently below my hip bone, which although i know are probably nothing are quite sharp and a bit concerned as havent had them before. Noticed no change in cervical mucus. Its there but not egg white like people have described to me. Whats my body telling me?? HELP!