Ovulation pains??!


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2008
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This may be a bit of an odd question....

Took my last pill on 15th Dec, had my period 18th but still waiting for cycles to get back on track. Had a 2 day bleed on the 28th Jan and since then have had the odd bit of spotting.

From what i can roughly work out i should ovulate either on the 11th or 12th. Today i have had a pain, similar to a period paid but on my left side below my hip bone...could this be a sign that i am ovulating?!
Have you had any cervical mucus at all - when you ovulate you should get a sort of egg-white consitency mucus.
Also, have you thought of getting some OPKs - they are useful for predicting ov
I have had some, in my pant liner...seems to be creamy & off white...have a saliva fertility test, dont think im using in properly though...bit naff to be honest! Think ill get some ov sticks tomorrow...
I have got cheap ones off ebay - but superdrug have an offer on theirs at the moment, 2 boxes for £10 i think. Fertile mucus is really stretchy if that helps?
I get that sort of pain each month at ovulation time so I presume it is my egg being released. However my pain is more of a sharp pain, feels like a bubble is trapped almost! I would go more by the cervical mucus as Choklatemunkey said, the more like egg white it is the more fertile you are.
As i have not long come off the pill i am not sure my exact time of ov as my periods have not settled down yet. I am working it out roughly, basing it on a 28/29 day cycle. if this is right then i should ov either on the 11th or 12th. To maximise conception when should i be having sex? I think that the 10th 11th & 12th will give me the best chance? Any ideas?
I have a 29 day cycle usually. I also have a 12 day luteal phase (the amount of days after ovulation) so I usually ovulate around day 16/17.

You usually ovulate around halfway through your cycle so if it was 29 days long, halfway through would be day 14/15, so Id start seriously BDing from day 12 to about day 19 to be extra sure you have a chance of catching the egg!
You are most fertile for a few days before ov, the day of ov and the day after. If you arent sure when you ov its best to BD every day or every other day around the time you think it will be so you have all bases covered so to speak - cos if you ov later than you think, say 17th, you might no be covered enough by only doing it up to 12th
I get ov pains they are sometimes like pin pricks below my hip bone around my ovary area. Where period pains are more in middle.

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