

Well-Known Member
May 16, 2010
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Well now 9 days overdue! The induction is booked for Thursday...only 3 days away. Want him to arrive on his own but also just really want to meet him no, so at least Thursday is not far away...
Been going from very excited to frustrated, angry and teary! Must be the hormones and all the anticipation building up! :oooo::oooo:
Have tried everything, bouncing on ball, hot curry, pineapple, sex etc!! Going on a long walk today so you never know. Although not feeling very positive that he'll arrive before induction... :wall2:
Awww hun! Atleast you know that this time next week you'll have a beautiful baby!!

I went 9 days over with my first,so i feel your pain/anger/anticipation/bordem!! Lol. Sometimes though,the threat of inducment makes them come they say!! 2 days after i got my induction date,he came! Dont lost faith!!

Enjoy your walk, hope its nice weather where you are!
:)Thanks hon,
It's such a weird feeling! Quite sunny here and might even stop off at some shops for a little retail therapy. After today I know def only 2 days of waiting, so hopefully the excitement will come back, cos it kinda comes and goes.

Hope you don't go too much over with this one...but there's not much we can do is there?!! They just want to make a spectacular arrival...

My auntie just sent a very sweet text...saying 'don't worry, once he arrives you'll have him forever!' :)

Gonna try and keep smiling!! xx
Hey hon, ur auntie's advice is really lovely. I hope it all happens for u tho x x x
Managed to get another sweep this morning,3rd one now! I just can't get enough...fingers crossed!!
they say that a sweep done at term + 10 is the most effective. worked for my 2nd so fingers crossed xx
:)ooo I relly hope so! How long after did you have him? Just off now...trying not to get too excited!!
Fingers crossed baby decides he wants to meet you soon! x your auntie's text was so sweet-better than the 'have you not had him yet?!' texts x
Ooo hopefully 3rd time lucky!! Really hope we have labour watch for you soon :-D

Gorgeous weather where i live - so fingers crossed that its sods law that il give birth and be stuck in hospital whilst its glorious outside!

yeh i agree hun...hopefully 3rd time lucky!! What method of induction have they said they will use?? Wow ul have ur bundle of joy in ur arms in a week, how exciting....:) i would try and say as positive as possible, hes just nice and comfy inside...hel be out soon, just stay calm....look forward to the labour watch soon :) xx
Thanks everyone...
Well she couldn't do the sweep! Again like the 1st one, cervix too posterior, weird as they managed it on saturday and it seemed to be changing...are some midwives more skilled than others at sweeps?!!

So induction on Thursday, have to be in hospital by 8.30 am. It means I cannot use the birth centre and birthing pools:eh: but if it does come to induction then I'm gonna try my best to keep active and help it progress by being relaxed. Anyone got any tips on inductions?!!
I was induced last year using the drip syntocin....i would say try and say as mobile and possible, but with the drip the contractions can become stronger quite quickly, just make sure they manage them well. You cant really be mobile with the drip, but try and sit and stand when u can. If it gets to much, dont delay the epidural.
Have they said what method they will use?
Oh gosh, sorry about The sweep hun! Are you dialated at all?

No tips for induction though as last time i didnt make it that far and hoping no to this time lol
Although, dont do any reading up on google on inductions, iv seen some horror stories, but i have seen some really positive stories too!
What method are they using? x
ok, I wont google anything!! :)

They said they start with a pessary, then a nother if needed and then maybe even 3rd pessary-drip last resort, after 2/3rd pessary they'll break my waters...Does taht sound about right?

We are both going to take lots of good books and mags and maybe the laptop with some dvds? Hoepfully it wont just be a case of sitting around...

On sat she mw said I was 1cm dialted at opening of cervix but closed at top and cerviz was soft. Today she couldn't even get at it as too far back apparently. I have now started worrying that there is something wrong with my cervix!!! But am keeping away from google...

Yeah that sounds about right, hopefully the first lot of gel stuff will work eh? Have you thought about pain relief at all? Because sometimes (not all the time!!) inductions can be long so you might wanna hold off til aslong as poss.

Yeah take lots of books haha, and snacks! Not sure wether they would let you take your laptop though as you'll most probably be started off on a ward to start with, but if you both have earphones i cant see it being a problem!

Eeeee this time next week you'll have your baby :D

I know -starting to get excited again!!!!!!! Going to repack my bags tonight/tomorrow and just sort of re-aarange bits and bobs in the nursery.

I only ever wanted to use gas and iar but know I might need to change that...so with pain relief I think all I can do is just see how it goes?

Good point about laptop and ear phones...thanks....

:)ooo I relly hope so! How long after did you have him? Just off now...trying not to get too excited!!

Well on that day (term + 10 i felt really iffy so went into the day assessment unit. Cos I was so overdue and had so far avoided being given a date for induction, the consultant checked me over and said he'd sweep me. I said don't bother, the MW tried yesterday and couldn't even get near my cervix it was so posterior. He totally ignored me and swept me to within an inch of my life.

This was about mid afternoon. By 9pm I'd started to get really strong BH, by 11.30, thought, hmm this might be labour. By 1am she was born x

Hoping things happen like this for you! :)
DId it hurt when you were swept?

You never know, what she managed to do start something off...

The mw just said keep having as much sex as you can and I said 'We are trying!!' she then replied 'well he's not coming' (refering to baby but omg I thought she was refering to husband!!!!!!) I said yes he is!! Then a lot of laughing and embaressment when I realised she meant baby!!!!! :blush::blush:
You never know, you might be able to do it on just gas and air! Fantastic stuff at first, i was laughing my head off of it...then i ended up just hugging it and not actually usin it!! Make sure you have a nice ice cold drink with yoi as it can give u a sore throat.

Oooo im excited for you!! Soo hope its a nice quick labour for you!

DId it hurt when you were swept?

You never know, what she managed to do start something off...

The mw just said keep having as much sex as you can and I said 'We are trying!!' she then replied 'well he's not coming' (refering to baby but omg I thought she was refering to husband!!!!!!) I said yes he is!! Then a lot of laughing and embaressment when I realised she meant baby!!!!! :blush::blush:

It hurt more than when the MW did it cos I think he was more determined and being a man, had little empathy for the female parts!

God of all the sweeps I've had, that was the one that when I left the hospital, the first thing I said to my husband was "This baby's gonna come out tonight, I know it"!

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