Overdue ladies... Wait with me?

Good luck all, I know your anguish as I had two overdue children. My second was 5 days over due which was nothing compared to my first who was 16 days over due in the end.
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40+5 and a whole lot of nothing. Instead of feeling closer to meeting my baby, at this point every day feels farther away. I hate this so much!
Ended up ringing the birth department as the little monkey decided to have a quiet day, totally stressed me out!

I felt very little movement until 4pm, when by the time I got there he had woken up! They checked movement and heart rate on the monitor and my blood pressure every 10 mins for an hour and said all was fine, thank god!

Quite typically, he's super active again now, but always worth getting checked out just to put your mind at rest!
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How is everyone?

41+1 today and contracting, but I was in labor all day yesterday and it stopped so mostly I'm just skeptical and waiting to see.
Sweep today was a success MW was able to feel baby's head and waters and said I was 1 cm dilated she said head is very low and doubts I will make it to Tuesday for induction I so hope so!!
Exciting Mictho! Hope she is right!! Kholl you can't be far off if you were contracting, surely it must start up again soon!

I'm going in on Monday for a sweep and to set in the foley bulb/balloon so hopefully that will start me off, god I'm so done being pregnant!
Anymore overdue mummies? Im going mad here!!
Hi all, I'm joining you at 4 days over and I'm just as fed up of waiting!! Anyone else still overdue??
MW tried to do a sweep on Friday but my cervix is closed. She said she's going to try again on Monday, then I have a post dates appointment on Thursday where she said they will book me in for induction.
If I text anyone with general chit chat (being bored at home by myself and all) they shout at me for getting their hopes up and I sit here thinking ffs...you're fed up?! Imagine how I feel!!! :wall2:
Thought I had period type pains earlier but they've gone!
Ruby I'm sooo sorry!!! I went 8 days over in the end and truly it is agony! And I would avoid texting people too for that exact same reason. I just cried every day. And now my baby girl is 8 days old and it's flown by, I can't believe it. You will get there so soon; I truly know how hard it is!
You have my sympathies ruby! I just gave birth on Thursday at 42+3(!) Totally worth the wait though. Hope your little bub doesn't keep you waiting much longer!
Thanks both! I know it'll be worth it in the end, and after 9 months what's another few days?! Going for another sweep today, hopefully she will be able to do it
Fingers crossed for a successful sweep! Let us know how it goes :)
Still closed :cry: and she said baby is now back to back!!
I've got my post dates appointment on Thursday and she said if nothing has changed I'll probably be booked in over the weekend.
Movements are all good and she was more than happy with the heartbeat.

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