Overdue ladies... Wait with me?


Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2015
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As the title says. Ugh. I'm 40+3 with my third baby. I had a strong feeling from day 1 this baby would be late but I had no idea how hard it would be! The most difficult thing is that I have family in town to help for only the next 12 days. My mom leaves Saturday and I'll be 41+1 and am absolutely certain I'll still be pregnant then. I just don't know how I'm going to cope, and I wish this baby were here already so I could at least have help the first couple weeks of his/her life.

I've tried all the stupid things that I already know don't work- sex, spicy food, stairs, walking, acupuncture (3 times now), even a membrane sweep and castor oil. Now I'm just depressed.

I won't induce unless baby is in distress.

I know babies come when they're ready but unfortunately modern life doesn't really allow us to be very flexible. We don't live in villages with our big extended families anymore. And that kind of sucks in situations like these!

I'm really struggling and am hoping this thread can help us all feel better. So if your due date has come and gone... Come whine with me!
I'm with you Kholl! So fed up, all my symproms have disappeared, no sign of anything happening any time soon.

Will crossing my fingers for you that baby will arrive before your Mom leaves!

I was thinking about trying the castor oil myself but I don't thunk I can face it!
Yeah some women are able to tolerate castor oil but I absolutely can not. My body hates it! I mean the gas and diarrhea are horrendous but for me the worst by far is the overwhelming nausea. Ugh even just 1/4 of the recommended dose had me puking for hours and so miserable.

I literally sat in my car earlier today crying and begging the baby to come out. I fucking hate this part of pregnancy.
I'm with you ladies 5 days overdue today! Also expecting 3rd baby got my 1st sweep booked in this afternoon I had to have a sweep with both my daughters 1st was 12 days late 2nd was 4 days late so this little lady is following suit!! Hopefully one of us goes soon by the end of next wk we WILL have our babies xx
I'm officially overdue too -__- got a sweep booked for some point today and Thursday too so hoping I won't be for long!

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Well my sweep was unsuccessful. Cervix is still long and posterior so this baby is coming no time soon. *Sigh*

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I got the same news on Thursday Aes! I wonder how long it can potentially take to change?

Bloody annoying. Hope your sweep is successful Mictho!
I'm going to have a bit of a whine in here, the waiting is unbearable! I have been pretty active throughout pregnancy until I got to a point a couple of weeks ago when I was just too uncomfortable so I've been at home more, and now I'm just sat here waiting for something to happen! It's so boring!!

I just can't see anything happening naturally, I'm sure the little monkey is going to have to be forced to evict!
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It sucks to be us. I went 11 days over with my first DD so this shouldn't be a surprise for me lol. The midwife was rude too saying the baby is going to be huge which annoyed me x

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Just got back Unsuccessful cervix is soft but still long and MW could only just reach it so not a proper sweep carried out!! Had a different MW today and she is sending me for a growth scan tommorow as slightly concerned I'm measuring 39 at 40+5 and chart has dipped from 90th to 50th centile in the last 4 weeks another sweep booked at hospital on sat then induction booked for Tuesday which I'm hoping I don't need!!!!
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Ive got an appointment at the hospital on Thursday, first to see the midwife and then a doctor after so they will decide what to do with me then. Il be 41+3 then so I'm guessing I won't be left much longer?

I can't help wondering why my body is doing nothing at all!
Induction booked for when I'm 41+5 which is 12 days over that's when they offer induction here x so a wk today!!
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Yeah and if one more person cheerily responds "babies come when they're ready!" I'll lose my mind.YEAH I KNOW THAT.

My mom leaves in 4 days- this baby is so not coming by then.
Hopefully you will go before then Mictho! But good to have a time limit in mind. I think they only let you go 10 days over here, so I wonder if my deadline will be this weekend.

I'm sorry Kholl. :( I live abroad and I'm so glad I haven't had family here waiting this week as I know they'd be going home by now disappointed! You are right though, this waiting around at the end really really sucks!
Altho she said she couldn't do a proper sweep I have terrible period pains in low tummy and back not getting hopes up tho x
I've got the same tonight Mictho, and in my thighs aswell.. it's worst when I'm stood up though.
Oh ladies fingers crossed! I know how hard it is, trying to resist getting your hopes up. But I remain very hopeful for you!
Went to bed and all my symptoms disappeared, again!

Going to get all my housework done today just incase they don't let me out again tomorrow after the hospital visit. Eep!

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