Over the next few days I'll be having my baby!!!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2008
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Just got back from 37w anti-natal appt.... OMFG!!!!!!! :puke:

Had a blood test last week and diabetes results seem high, also lack of movements are causing concern and I've been generally struggling last few days both physically and emotionally!

Had to have a sweep earlier that didn't take as they don't think cervix was open enough :(

Consultant requested a ctg which I had but they not entirely happy with result as not enough peaks in it and I have to have another at 4.30 today. Consultant has told mw to phone her at home with results of 2nd ctg. Any probs they might induce today but if all goes ok then I have to have daily ctg's over the next few days and I will be induced on Monday!!!!!!!!!! :cheer:

OH has gone all faffy on me and is already doing my head in... no babysitter for the 11yo son if all hell breaks loose tonight and I desperately need a mega size choc gateaux to calm my nerves.... it's just sinking in that I'm about to have a baby.... I've been waiting for it for ages but now the time is here I've suddenly become a wuss and have changed my mind about having a baby.... I know I'm gunna be shouting "put it back, I changed my mind" to someone very soon :rotfl:

Will keep you updated!!!!

Sarah xxx
OMG Sarah how exciting :shock:

Good luck with everything :hug:
Oh wow good luck hunny!!! im so exited for you, last min nerves are so common try not to be too scared when you see your little cherrub everything will be perfect :hug: :hug:
Good luck hun, looking forward to hearing the news that you've given birth. Take care. :hug:
Woo hoo how exciting! :dance: Good luck hun! :hug: :hug: :hug:
Oh wow thats quick for you, keep me updated on the text front i cant wait to here not long tilll you have bubs now :hug: :hug:
hi i had to be induced in previous pregnancy at 37 weeks as i had cholostasis (a liver diesease) thats only there when pregnant but it can be dangerous to me and baby.. it was weird knowing the day i was going to have my daughter i had every emotion going lol.

but now im 40 week and 3 days... and everyday i feel like that as i think everyday it could be the day he comes lol.

hope it all goes well for you..and takecare. :)
Oh hun Im glad you are in good spirits....and lots of luck - you must be so excited :cheer:

Not long now and you get to meet your little boy :hug:
caz2008 said:
hi i had to be induced in previous pregnancy at 37 weeks as i had cholostasis (a liver diesease) thats only there when pregnant but it can be dangerous to me and baby.. it was weird knowing the day i was going to have my daughter i had every emotion going lol.

but now im 40 week and 3 days... and everyday i feel like that as i think everyday it could be the day he comes lol.

hope it all goes well for you..and takecare. :)
Can I just ask you hun, I had a blood test today for this and just wondered what were you symptoms? I havent had mega severe itching or anything but the MW said if can just be mild!? What else did you find you had if you dont mind me asking?!?!
hi i dont mind you asking ask away lol..

they say the common sign is itching on ur hands and feet but i didnt have it there,,, it was my arms and all over my back and i itched it that much id get red dots were id itched, it was just a strong tickling feeling and even tho i was scratching that much i bled..it didnt hurt wen i scratched it.. i didnt have anyother symptoms e.g. jaundice

it started with me wen i was 27 weeks pregnant and it took a few blood tests before they picked it up..i just knew i had something.. hope i helped abit anything else feel free to ask. :D
caz2008 said:
hi i dont mind you asking ask away lol..

they say the common sign is itching on ur hands and feet but i didnt have it there,,, it was my arms and all over my back and i itched it that much id get red dots were id itched, it was just a strong tickling feeling and even tho i was scratching that much i bled..it didnt hurt wen i scratched it.. i didnt have anyother symptoms e.g. jaundice

it started with me wen i was 27 weeks pregnant and it took a few blood tests before they picked it up..i just knew i had something.. hope i helped abit anything else feel free to ask. :D
Thanks hun! :hug: I have had itching on my palms and soles of my feet but not constant and general itching on my back and legs and arms, lol everywhere heehee but not too bad! Sometimes it is and Im itching away and make a mess of my arms etc but sometimes its not so bad! :think: But yeh it doesnt hurt when I itch and its like Im being tickled! I often think somethings crawling on me!? Im also excessively tired and feel sick all the time but that can just be pregnancy anyways so hopefully it is nothing! :pray:

Sorry Choc!! I have hijacked you thread!! :oops:
well because the cholostasis thing is to do with the liver...maybe if ur tired all time etc..u may be slighty aemic have they checked for this? as if u have a vitamin b12 deficiency i dont know if that ould maybe cause itching..
yeah the feeling of it is just like wen u get paranoid and u think theres a spider on u and it itches lol..

let me know how u get on
but dont let it worry u neither as i had cholostasis and was induced at 37 weeks and both myself and my daughter was fine.. :D
Yeh I had everything else checked a couple of weeks back and were all fine thankfully!
I will let you know when I get the results on Monday! And thanks for the reassurance!! :hug: :hug: :hug:
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: how exciting hun. Good luck with everything :hug: :hug: :hug:

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