Our story


Nov 6, 2011
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Just thought I'd share our story with you ladies to show you not to give up !!!
Big hugs to all that are facing those though times.

November 2009 we started to TTC with my fiancé.
He had a few sperm counts, everything normal.
Had smears, screening all was good.
June 2010 started testing with ovulation kits as i was really desperate to make it work, but i realised that i never got that second fat line.
Spoke to my GP who referred us to ACU, decided to go all the way, all exams.....
I was diagnosed with severe case of PCOS.
I have about twenty cysts on my right ovary and thirty on the left one.
We finally got to see a specialist who told us that things were not looking good !
We went for a course of OI with clomiphene citrate and norestisterone for six months.
We were told that all treatment considered including IVF we barely had between 5-15% chance of ever conceiving !!!
We were also given all the documentation about adoption and suggested to look really into it.
In May 2011, I lost my grandad to cancer. I was devastated and gave up on everything.
I spoke with my fiancé about really going for adoption as we had tried and failed all treatment given, we were going for it.
August 2011, we celebrated my birthday and after 2 weeks I realized I hadn't had my period, and that is when our Little Miracle happened.

I know that you all ladies are going through rough times, i deeply sympathize with you and hope that everything will change for you !!!

Don't give up, you totally deserve that miracle...
Thank you for sharing your story Christelle and congrats! I have tears in my eyes. It's really inspiring whenever I hear success stories like yours. I'm hoping the same for myself and all the ladies on here. I have 'unexplained infertility' and therefore should have no issue getting pregnant and yet still can't seem to! But I always have hope, even if I'm feeling down that little bit of hope keeps me going xxxx
Thanks Christelle congratulations on your pregnancy i hope it's all going well x x x
Thank you so much for sharing your story. Congratulations xxxx
Congrats hun. I see so many stories on here and we always seem to concieve when we aren't trying I did the same when my partner was doing his sperm sample and we weren't trying as I knew we wouldn't catch the egg but somehow we did :S

I think the fact that you were testing with opks and stressing about it helped hunny x I have PCOS too yet not as bad as you hunny x

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