Ouch :(


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2007
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Today I was teaching swimming lessons (I am in the pool with the kids) and normally I am so careful when they are swimming but with one of my classes I was doing breaststroke and forgot to move out the way. One of the kids booted me so hard in the bump :(

I couldn't move for a bit and its still a bit sore now but baby has been moving since.

I don't know how much longer I can keep this up for. With the older classes I'm not in the pool anymore as there are 6 7-10 year olds in a tiny space but this was the younger class.
ive stayed away from swimming pools as things like that can happen (accidentally) maybe u should think about stopping sooner rather then later just to be on the safe side is there not anyone else who can take over the younger class for now? or anyone who can be in the pool with them while you instruct from outside the pool?
I wish I could stop earlier but I can't - there is no one else in the area to do the lessons :(

And I teach on my own - its only 6 kids in a class so they won't give me anyone else as they would have to pay 2 wages and there is no one in the area that can do this. As far as I know they are struggling to find someone for when I leave.

I love teaching and this hasn't happened before and the kids are so careful, I might speak to my boss and see if I can stay out the pool for that class too but it took me a lot of effort to be allowed to stay out for the last 2 classes.
I would definately talk to your boss about it. You can't risk being kicked. They should either let you teach outside the pool or they will have to find someone else.
I've never known a swimming instructor to teach from in the pool before, the one's I had at school were always outside the pool, even when I went for lessons aged 3! :hug: :hug:
Thats why I can't take Paris swimming as she has no spacial awareness and just kicks out :roll:

Hope you are ok :hug:
There is NO WAY I would carry on in that situation. Your baby is FAR more important than the number of swimming teachers they have. Have they done a risk assessment for you? If not, I would specifically ask for one.

Good luck with it Bee :hug:
Nope they haven't done a risk assessment and tbh it feels like he is avoiding me - I always have to deal with the office rather than speaking to him.

I am going to email him about it I think and see if he bothers to reply - I get a bit fed up chasing him all the time.

We teach in the pool cos it is more hands on and cos the class sizes are small - if it was council lessons there is no way I would be in the pool as the class numbers are huge!

Thanks ladies - I'm ok today but fed up of chasing things all the time. No one asked me when I was leaving or how I am - I always have to contact them
I woouldn't do that if i were you...sounds really unpleasant.... I have horses and gave up handling them around 28wks as i couldn't get out of the way quick enough for my liking ....if they were to nudge me (my big one does this as he loves me )

I also find it really hard to do B/stroke it really hurts my pelvis :shock:
It started to really hurt at around 32wks....

maybe talk to your doc and see if you can get signed off :hug:
I've emailed the office but will have to wait till tomorrow for a reply. I'll see what they say.

I don't want to get signed off work - this is my part time job. Full time I am a secondary computing teacher. I love the swimming lessons but I have been saying for ages that I don't think I will be able to be in the pool all the time. I managed to get my point across with the bigger classes but they aren't budging on the little ones :(

I can get out the way of the kids in time and normally the kids don't kick anywhere near me as they know I am pregnant but I suppose accidents happen. I think it scared me more than anything.

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