Baby swimming classes


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2010
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I've been looking into these today, I've not yet taken Tomos swimming as I think its been too cold, and he's been a bot small, but now he's 6&1/2 pounds I think he's big enough, and fits into the swimming nappies.
I've seen that some swimming classes have the temperature of the pool about 32ºC which is a few degrees warmer than just the normal pools, but its about £100 for 10ish lessons.

Has anyone else taken baby to specific baby swimming classes rather that just to the local pool? and if so did you think it was worth going?
I was going to post about this too! Was also looking into classes so will follow this thread! Also was wondering if people who took their lo's swimming themselves let them go under the water? (sorry if hijacked thread but thought it would save starting another!)
we are taking amelia swimming after her first injections as i asked health visitor and she said because of her low birth weight she will get cold very quick so she will have more body fat on her. my dad is taking her and just to local pool and he will be dunking her under water not sure if im brave enough to do that yet but i know it'll be good for her and she been in the big bath with my dh to get used to boyance of the water and had water splashed on her face and she loves it!
Well I've booked in with a baby swimming class at a local health club where they say the water is a bit warmer, and have ordered a full length wetsuit with a fleece lining which will hopefully keep him warm.
hmm i want to take sofia too, but havent got the guts yet (lol well shes only 2 and a half weeks old) and would love to do baby swimming lessons! i have seen them at our local pool, and think they look great. im going to have to get her some swim nappies! stupid question but would you just put their towel really close to the pool so when you get out you can wrap them straight up? x
I think you have to have had some jabs before swimming. I could be wrong. We went two weeks ago and Isla hated it. Am going to try again Friday with daddy and see if she enjoys it. I was going to pay for lessons but wanted to try her out first before shelling out £120!
emma i thought they had to have had their first jabs but apparently not! i think Sofia will love it as she absolutely loves baths. x
Ah didn't know that! Isla hated baths, but doesn't mind them now x
Our local pool does drop in coached swim for half an hour on a Friday for 4.85. I was brave today and took ella-rose - she loved it! Definitely worth going and I'll probably sign up for the next course :-) they do things like nursery rhymes where u do the actions in the water. I had a great time too :lol:
Hey. Imposter here lol I saw title and visited. I work in Leisure Centre that offers Baby Water Confidence Classes. It used to be case that baby had to have first jabs before you took them to swimming pool however recently that changed and is no longer the case. :-) Your lessons at £100 for 10 are really expensive. We offer 6 lessons at £30 which works out at half price. It is however Council run facility that I work in.

Happy swimming for you and lo. xx
I've just signed up my DD for lessons with a dedicated baby swim company who operate at a local hotel so hopefully the facilities will be good. They were recommended by a paediatric osteopath too. £56 for 6 sessions so not a huge commitment. Although I'm only usually a holiday-swimmer, it was something I knew I would want to do with her when she arrived. She'll be 3 months when she starts.

I've read that the immunisation thing is a just a hangover from when polio was common and people were worried about it spreading in public pools. The company have said babies can start swimming before the immunisations are complete.
yayy for being able to go earlier without all the jabs now then! horayyy great info ladies.

Def buy the swim nappies tho girls, not worth the worry and stress in the normall baby costumes, in my experiance with my other kids..

Nice way to meet mums with babies too

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