OT: Summer holidays


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2012
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Sorry to moan but It's day one of the summer holidays and I already want them to end! Looking after my OH's seven year old full time now and she seems to have so much energy today compared to usual! I need my bed already... :( Boh.x
Only 6 more weeks to go! (If summer hols are the same as when I was at school!!)
It's funny how children seem to find this source of energy from somewhere once the holidays roll around! I'm sure you're doing a great job! Be bedtime before you know it!! X
Fast forward 3 weeks when I finish work and school holidays start here, and oh, I'm not looking forward to it either! Lol. My DD is nearly 7 and needs a full day of school followed by one of her many sports clubs daily to use up her energy and aid her sleep. How on earth am I going to keep up with that at 36 weeks + ? Lord only knows.
Good luck to both of us, it's gonna be a loooooong 6 weeks! :shock:
Oh god, poor you! Thank god she'll be back in school by the time I'm that far along. Think I would definitely keel over! An amazing thing has happened tonight though...I took her for a wee walk to the shop before dinner, and she returned and put her jammies on straight away, gave her dinner and went to go and tidy something up...next thing I know she's in bed fast asleep! Before 7 o clock! Poor thing must have tired herself out as well as me! At least I hope that's it and it doesn't mean she's coming down with a bug... :S x
Aww bless her :) hopefully she treats you to a lie in tomorrow too :) x

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