Osama Bin Laden is Dead!!!!

without a doubt his followers with now try and be the next Bin laden.They will attack i know they will,they wont just sit back and think oh hes gone now lets just leave it be,there gonna be angry at the U.S and want revange and revange for him also.But if is dead why wont they relase a photo of his body as proof to world surely they would be proud of this and want to show us all the truth and also esp the ppl who surived the twin towers attack they would like to see the killer is dead.I belived it at first but after thinking and watching more of the news it just seems to me perhaps they have caputured him i mean look at how much information he holds to alot of things.And if they do have him alive hes not gonna spill no way.Now if he is alive why dont they stick him in the electric chair and do it that way.Shot??my arse more like they shot him in the leg so he could not run.And being so close to the armed services i dont think he is that daft dont think anyone who is wanted that much would go even a smidge that close
I stand by my sentiments.
I am sure there will be repercussions as a result of his capture / death...but the murderers and terrorists who subscribe to his way of thinking have never needed much encouragement to murder and maim in the past. You cannot tip-toe around these people in fear of retaliation. Unfortunately, diplomacy will not improve this situation and the war against terror has descended into a parody of a tit-for-tat situation. And yes there will be many people willing to fill his shoes but that is true of any group of Zealots.

This man was no different to Hitler or Saddam Hussain and could not be allowed to go unpunished.

I appreciate that many won't agree with my sentiments but thankfully WE have freedom of speech and belief - unlike many people in Afghanistan, and we can agree to differ without declaring war on each other (hopefully:))
First Gadaffi's family, now Osama ;)
Happy days.

Karma is a beautiful thing.
I agree with many of the other posts, I don't think it's anything to be pleased about and will await the fall out that will unfortunately and inevitably occur :(
Buried in the sea? He doesn't even deserve that.
He deserves to be thrown in the bin! Osama bin!
I worry about what will happen now ? What kind of retaliation will happen ...And although he was a terrible person i struggle with the celebrating his death .
"I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy." - Martin Luther King, Jr

I worry about what will happen now ? What kind of retaliation will happen ...And although he was a terrible person i struggle with the celebrating his death .
"I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy." - Martin Luther King, Jr

Agree, 100% with Dr Kings wise words x
I just seen that on Twitter, did you retweet that Tiny? :lol:
I wondered where I just heard that from xxx
Just seen this thread.

When I read this morning he was dead I didn't think 'great' I thought 'what's going to happen next'. It's scary because they will be plotting there revenge right now. And they are not stupid, they arent going to do something in a couple of days or weeks they will be planning something big and it really scares me. On BBC it said the world is a safer place without him, what planet are they on. This is going to cost more lives when they get lucky again and another 9/11 style attack happens. They only need to get lucky once!

And Osama didn't care whether he was dead or alive so what has it actually achieved.

I do understand though why the victims of 9/11 and there families are happy as this may be some justice for them xx
^ that's a good point. It is justice but yes scary times for citizens across the world.
I'm a true believer in 2012 or somewhat for the world to be absolutely and utterly :censored: one day, I'm honestly expecting a full blown nuclear war next. No doubt the world will get worse than it already is, I think that's why I wanted a child before 2012.

It's all kicking off now.
A lot of people are spouting a lot of crap, I know that! Just listening to a couple in asda, couldn't believe the rubbish they were talking about and the conspiracy theories. Even in the news, I thought, Omg, where are you getting this info??? It will be over reported to death now!
I'm actually sick of seeing the news now cos they are just repeating the same info and showing people celebrating and I also noticed on facebook someone was having a party to celebrate!
I don't think a lot of people realise that this isn't all good news and they will want to avenge? X
I'm actually sick of seeing the news now cos they are just repeating the same info and showing people celebrating and I also noticed on facebook someone was having a party to celebrate!
I don't think a lot of people realise that this isn't all good news and they will want to avenge? X

Agree, so many people making stupid jokes about it, it's ridiculous x
I think he died years ago and the US government are rolling this one out in time for next years election........but I guess we'll never know. I'm a bit fed of hearing that the end of the world is coming soon. They've been saying that for years :wall2:
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I just seen that on Twitter, did you retweet that Tiny? :lol:
I wondered where I just heard that from xxx
yup I just thought it fit the discussion , and Im not one for consiracy thoreys or dwelling on the end of the world too much . So am avoiding getting caught up in that kind of talk but as I said before a human being has died (alright not a very good one ) and many many more very good people fighting to find him and all of the deaths he instigsted the whole this is just sad , maybe its the softy in me but thats how I feel. xxxx
@ pinky-I'm pretty sure you probably know my thoughts on the end of the world ;) lol x

I don't think killing someone can ever be justice. For anything. :(
All I have to say on the matter is that we don't know shit about what is really going on, what was said or done, how or where he was killed.. The burial etc... The newspapers are fed stories from people who are told what to say. I don't agree with celebrating his death but I would have rather he been killed instead of the thousands upon thousands of innocent people, and their poor families left behind to pick up the pieces
He was killed in his own lair. There is a video on the news of his home, covered in blood.
He was also buried at sea because of his religion. It is a Muslim tradition so I was told.

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