OPK and when to test them

Donna's here

Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2008
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Hi ladies.
I've just bought some OPK's and really haven't a clue when I should start using them. I have a cycle of between 32 to 37 days, some times much more, but it has seemed to regulate lately to 32 to 37, so should I start testing around 16 to 18 days? Also just started to do my temps again and hoping someone will be able to see when I OV coz I never had :(
Thanks girls :)
Donna, I wish I could help you hun, but I am soo useless - especially with those bloody ov. tests :roll: I am all confused about my own cycle but wanted to wish you luck and if you find a good way, can you let me know!! :lol:

Thanks babe

Donna if I were you I would start testing from about cd15, test every day in the afternoon and evening if you can. Hopefully that way you won't miss the surge.

Thanks ladies.

Kate, if I come up with any tips I'll elt you know :hug:

Lorna and snuggle, thanks ladies. Shall start trying from day 15 then and hope, bought enough of them! :hug:
if youve got mega cheapies i'd start straight after af personally.
Say you have a 32 days cycle and you start cd15, thats a 17 day luteul phase - what if it's longer? mines 18 so I would have missed it. I ovulate cd10, some do as early as cd8 and 9 on a normal 28 day cycle - I just think if you're going to go for it start early.
You can get a massive bunch of them for cheap on ebay hun, thats what I did and tested twice a day from CD11 :hug: :hug:
oooo, holly, ok. I have cramps this morning but I think it's all in my head (read toooooooo much on these boards) and as I have 50 of them then I spose it wouldn't hurt especially as it's my 1st month trying opk. Thanks hun :hug:

I've gone back pages and pages reading all threads about opk, most recommend testing around 2ish and again at 8ish. Do you think twice a day is right, or would once do it?
Thanks snuggle, answered for me while i was posting. Twice a day it is then.
Did get them from ebay, really cheap they were too. Heres hoping :pray:
Hi Hun The clearblue Opk kits are fantastic i know there pricey there £20
there digital with 7 sticks and really easy and accurate to use :)
When your testing positive for ovualtion it shows a smily face like this :D and when your not it shows this icon O ... They also come with instructions on the day to test if you have long or short cycles
Good luck hun

i've just started opks in october ( tried them before but got them for chemist soo to expensive) and got ebay ones so i used them each day from af untill I got a reaponse on them, i'm probally going to do the same in november ( but hopefullt wont have to if i get my bfp) to give myself move of an idea.

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