OPK advice


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2010
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I've only realy used these properly for once cycle so not sure if the lines differ each cycle.

But to those that have used them for a number of cycles do the lines look simular on the same cycle days each cycle?

I'm on CD11 today and last cycle I ovulated CD15 (didn't use OPK's) and two previous cycles it was CD12 but there are no lines or they are extremely faint can't really see them on my OPK's today & yesterday, surely if I was due to ovulate in the next 1-4 days lines that I can at least see would start to appear by now, right? I started to get lines on them from CD8 when I got my positive on CD11.

So I guess my question really is, can some months the surge (+ve line) just appear suddenly and others you see it build up so to speak with lines getting darker?
Hey tinkerbell

I had this, my line varied every month, some surges lasted longer than others, some surges came from no where and also lines were stronger some months than others.
hey luvie,

i only used opks last month but didnt get anything properly for ages - but last month they just went positive slightly the day before ov and then darker than control line the next day! mine was CD24 as i have 35-39 days!!

good luck luvie
i will let you know how i get on this month
Hey hun

I had very very faint lines and then bam a huge dark positive for one if my cycles - another cycle I had gradual faint to darker lines.

It varies all the time!


Glad to hear it, I was beginning to get worried ovulation wouldn't be anytime soon like it's meant to be but obviously just casue there are no lines now doesn't mean that.
Will stick with them and hopefully get my +ve in the next few days :)
Yes used it a few times already, just incase don't want to 'miss' ovulation and we are liking it ;) hopefully it works it's magic for a :bfp: too
Kedi and ive tried it this month too so FX well all be joining you in tri 1 soon!!
Yay! 3 pre-seed ladies! good luck! I have to say i really liked it never mind the results :)

Hope you all get the same great results, will be keeping a very close eye on you guys :)
It's not that bad cherry! Quite fun actually jus pop in before going to bed wink wink an jus feels more ummmm wet in a good way x
Im planning on using it next cycle - so I'm Gunna be checking on how the girlies using it get on!
Good luck!!!

I'll keep you all posted how I get on with it, I've read lots of positive things about it and people getting their BFP when they've used it so FX for us all giving it a try this month.

Umm CD12 and still no sign of my surge, so no 26 day cycle for me this month so mayve it will be another 30day one.
Dude!! How are u!!! I had nothing on
My OPK and then day 15 or somethig boom it was there!!! Then it went again as quick! The monitor is good cause it finds the other hormone too so it says low then high for bout 4 days the shows a peak for 2 days. I have to say I'm quite impressed by it and the good thing is u can resell it on eBay for basically the same price! I don't work for CB either although I should hah cause I use cheapie tests n buy of amazon!! xx
Hiya AC, nice to see you on here again I was wondering a few weeks back where you had disapeared to and was asking then Mummy2Adam said you were taking a break :(
It's only 2 months now until May, thats going so quickly you getting yourself already for officially TTC?

I was considering getting a moniter but i'm trying to save atm and know they are quite pricey.
Hey hun just popping on and off not spending toooo much time on it!! Hows things with u have ur cycles settled down? Its gone sooooo quick its madness, we are looking into getting a house together ready for this. Sending you some :dust: thanks for asking afta me xx

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