Opinion on name choice please :)


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2011
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Well me and OH haven't been able to agree on a name for our little man, and I was watching 'signed by Katy price' and came across the name rhylan which I suggested to OH and he didn't really like it but said he likes Rian it's welsh and is pronunced Rhi-an. I love it, but when I told my dad he laughed and said everyone will call him rain. What do u girls think? Xxx
I like it its different. Not being bad but take no notice. Parents come from a different generation. I dread to think what names my grandkids will have lol my mums the same with Leandros nickname (I know he's not here yet but everyone calls him by it already) It's Leo and my mum hates it, she says It's too common. but I like it too xxx
Thanks chick, I love your boys name too :) I like unusual names while my OH likes plain names so finding one we both like is a big deal haha xxx
I wouldnt have called him rain if i saw that name - but i will admit to thinking it was a bit girly - like Rhianne! - but thats just me. If you guys like it thats what matters,

It's a lovely name but being from Wales I have only ever heard it being used as a girls name, never a boy. But that doesn't mean you can't :)

It's a lovely name but being from Wales I have only ever heard it being used as a girls name, never a boy. But that doesn't mean you can't :)

Haha aww crap, u see that would put me off it cause wouldn't want him to have a girly name. I'm thinking it's gonna be the same situation as my daughter, she wasn't named till she was 3 weeks old haha xxx
What about Ryan - thats kinda similar.

Or something like Cian.
i would pronounce it Kee - an, you can also spell it with the K.

some of the baby name websites - if you put in a name you kinda like - they give you variants, which can be nice - just slighltly different.

i would pronounce it Kee - an, you can also spell it with the K.

some of the baby name websites - if you put in a name you kinda like - they give you variants, which can be nice - just slighltly different.


I like that name :) gonna suggest it to OH , thanks :) xxx
It's a lovely name but being from Wales I have only ever heard it being used as a girls name, never a boy. But that doesn't mean you can't :)

I was just about to say the same thing as I grew up in Wales until I moved back to Manchester and only ever knew it as a girls name x
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I have a 2nd cousin called Rhiann (sounds like rihanna with the a cut off), I love her name. If I saw it spelt Rian I wouldn't say Rain I think it's fine.
I have a Kian !! But also like the name u picked !! Names r a nightmare we have never told people the names we like so we can't b put off !! Xxx

yeah i live in wales and rhian is a girls name round here, usually short for rhiannon. im assuming you meant it like an odd spelling of ryan tho.
I live in yorkshire and so have to be careful because anything you call a person will get spoken with our accent which can make names sound totally different. We are having Leo for a boy or Alice for a girl brother in law laughed when we said Leo and said its a dicks name but screw him we like it so we are having it lol x

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