
Heya, not too bad this morning... Pains aren't there like they were last night but I feel like I've been beaten black and blue! So achy! And Francesca is doing a good impression of beating me black and blue as well... Think I'm just going to rest up as much as possible today and drink lots 'cause that seemed to help last night... Thanks girls xx
Eurgh :( had a good day yesterday pain wise but they're back today :cry: collapsed in the middle of Holland and Barrett when i was trying to get my RLT off the bottom shelf... Was horrible :( x
O god! Doesn't sound good hun!! Have you rang back the hospital and told them..

I've still got my pains that I've had since monday! :( xx
No only happened 3/4 times then stopped again... I really don't get it but my god does it hurt! Deffo going to mention it to MW tomorrow x
Yer mine is getting pretty painfull to now!! I would def speak to your mw again! I'm back up hospital friday so will get them to check me out when I'm up there!! I don't thinks its normal... Xx
If she tells me it's normal I'm gonna freak out lol xx
Lol, that's what it was like yesterday when I went into hospital, they did all the checks on me and all came back fine, so they had no idea why I had the pains.. To have them for 3days constantly, that certainly can't be normal...can it? Lol hope she can tell you what yours is! Xx
No that doesn't sound good hun... Hope everything turns out ok!

My MW's useless and will most likely just nod, smile, and say "that's to be expected" :mad: x
Lol, I hope she doesn't just nod, and smile at you hun! You will have to let us know if she did!! :) xx

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