
they've told me to "keep an eye" on them for half hour then call back xx
ok, don't worry then, if they need you in, you can always go in an ambulance.... there is always a solution!
keep us updated hunny xx
o hope eveything is ok hun! i am very crampy and tight tonight, but mines worse when i stand up and walk around! i hope they calm down for you soon! :) xx
I've got a friends mum talking to me on facebook talking me through it, timing them etc xx
How are you now? Have the pains stopped or eased at all? Xx
pains have stayed very much the same... midwife i spoke to this time has said to have plenty to drink, relax and try and get some sleep to rule out dehydration and tiredness... and if no change / they get worse to call back but to give it an hour or 2 if i can cause they're really busy and she doesn't want me sat up there getting more and more uncomfortable xx
oh its so annoying when they tell u to get some sleep when ur in pain gurrr, aww i really feel for u x
i am glad you are at least in contact with someone at the hospital.
hope you are ok xx
I'd def all the maternity ward and if they ask you to come in then explain you have no means of transport. They will have to send an ambulance for you.
omg just seen this, how you feeling now?

Could it be the start of labour?

I've had bad pelvic pains but it only really happens when i'm moving.

Keep us updated.

Well it's been an hour... I've been downing the water with a fan on me and a hot water bottle on my back... Pains are "easing off" a bit... Not in intensity but in frequency if you get me... Just called to let them know and they said "that's great" (ha! easy for you to say) and to get some shut eye and pop up in the morning if they're still there... the midwife i spoke to said that she could be laying on a nerve (hence the stabby-ness) and i was probably dehydrated which was only making them worse... So... off to bed shortly (when im actually tired) for some sleeps hopefully... might just have to take some cyclizine if i can't sleep... they always send me off... (bad i know... but once wont hurt) xx

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