

Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2012
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Well i had my gstational diabetes blood tests today... i was good and ate nothing since last night! But... i got up this morning not really thinking about it and drank the cup of tea my OH had make me. Luckily i don't take sugar (if that helps?)... but while there the lady asked if i had had a sneaky drink of coffee this morning as they have to be sure... i was not lying about that as i DIDN'T have any coffee... just tea!

So yeah i kinda fibbed and said i didn't drink anything... so they did the tests and whatnot. Now i'm worried they will know i drank the tea and make me go back :(
awww bless ,If if was tea with out sugar should b ok, but i wud b worried about if it gives a false reading x
Well either i'm busted or it's bad news... the hospital said they would only ring me back if there was a problem... and i just had a missed call from them :(
I have diabetes :(

Oh no darling, what have they said? Is there a plan of action?

Please try not to worry too much as they reason they test for these things is so they can help treat it.

Aw sorry to hear that!!
Hope they can sort u out hun xx

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Plan of action is get myself upto the hospital so they can teach me how to test my own blood sugars and whatnot x

I am sure all will be fine hun, I know it is not ideal but gestational diabetes is so common (which is why they test for it)

I hope they are able to give you lots of info but also put your mind at rest

Sorry you got poo results I have this test ina few weeks. Let us know how you get on hun and try not to worry a it's easily managed xxx
Everyone is now basically taking the piss saying baby will be HUGE because of this! Which i know can happen... oh good god!
Ignore them hun you have nothing to worry about once you look after yourself. X
:( look after yourself and get us much info as u can x
Did you tell them about the tea? Surely it could have impacted on the results?
So sorry to hear this! I'm sure everything will be fine xx
Oh no. But don't worry - I am sure they test for this so they can put things in place to control gestational diabetes. I have my test on 11th July too. xxx
I'm sure it'll all be ok. My sister in law had gestational diabetes and she had a normal sized baby who is now 5 and really healthy. xx

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