One of those Weekends!

Mrs CW

Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2010
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Hi all,
I've had such a hormone filled weekend its been full of tears for the most part I think I'm going mad!
I was due to go out on friday with the girls but didn't really feel up to it. I managed to fit into one of my lipsy dresses which amazed me - it was tight but was fine once I was in it. OH decided that it would be a really good time to bd after I was ready although we just ended up snuggled in bed for a bit. After that I just started crying as I didn't want to try and put my dress on as I felt fat and frumpy and I ended up cancelling on the girls. I'm glad I did as the photos show drunken madness from the word go!
On saturday we were meant to take the cats to the vets but i completely forgot and let them out and one wouldn't come back. OH and I had a massive row about it and other things, his obsession with his new mountain bike, and him not helping around the house etc - his mum used to do all his cooking, cleaning and ironing until he was 24 and he thinks the same rules apply in our house! So there was more tears and unhappiness - I hope it hasn't affected bean too much, I've been feeling lots of bubbles and wriggles over the last week!
Sorry for moaning I just needed to get it out and ask if I sound crazy? I haven't cried that much in ages!
x x x
Sorry I've had a shitty weekend! Hope you feel better soon!
im sure its just your hormones, those things probably wouldn't have made u cry before. hope ur feeling better now xx
You're not alone! I'm getting teary all the time over nothing and I hardly ever cry normally!

Sorry you had a shitty wkend and hope you're feeling better now :) xx
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Thanks all I'm feeling a bit better today I must have used up all my tears for the month! Me and OH have been decorating today and had a paint fight so I think we've both calmed down alot! x
Im so teary over the most stupid thibgs. Cried during Eastenders omnibus today. And then poor OH commented that the hoover was really full and even tho I had asked him to empty it afterwards, he said I shouldnt have let it fill up so much in the first place. It was a simpke remark but I ended up crying. Then got upset cos couldnt get the bloody duvet cover on the duvet properly!
Ah Hun. Me and OH have rows about house work all the time x so frustrating :hug:

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