One born every minuite

I did ! did you watch the bit with the woman who was really screaming the house down? She was still screaming even once they put her baby in her arms ! I have never seen that in the amount of births I have watched in my life ! :rofl:
i watched it :eh:

i had twins and whinged through my labour :roll: i just dont understand why women scream? it hurts,but not that much?!
By that point in every birth I have saw they go quiet in awe at their new child ! acting for the ccameras? :rofl:
Lol yeah i think she was putting a bit of it on...too dramatic!
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oh my goodness...just watching it now.

That ralph guy is getting on my nerves.. :S

That woman honestly looked possessed.....O dear.. :S
I take that back, never mind possessed that lady is nuts!! :O
Didn't they give her an epidural?? She was clearly wanting all the attention on her and putting it on!! I felt sorry for all the other mums she scared!
She was hideous and yea Ralph annoyed me until he saw his baby and then I thought his reaction was so touchin and beautiful,

Tasha x
i loved ralph! what a caracter! i screamed when my oh layed Noa on my chest, but it was cuz the doctor had cut me n was pulling about down there. n i didnt have epidural. i do understand her tho. giving birth is undescribebly painful. i felt for her.
Ralph made me laugh all the way through but when he asked the midwife for a hug I proper sobbed!

Watched it with OH and as Janet was whisked away and asked for her mum to go with her he was shouting "selfish bitch! Take him not her!" at the telly. Didn't realise but when I got taken to hospital by ambulance they pretty much did the same thing to Shaun - only one person could go and he got pushed aside. My mum wasn't insured to drive our car and had no other way of getting there so she had to come with me in the ambulance. I hadn't really considered how that made Shaun feel but watching poor Ralph get left behind I felt awful and guilty.
Frigging hell.... Ive asked myself is it that painful if so am teriified to give birth....that steph needs a slap from her ralph kid was adorable,,,shame his girl chose her mum over that so sad
I loved how the midwife VERY calmy said in the next room: "I can't understand why she's so distressed".
I bet off-camera they had a few choice words to say about her lol!!
Yeah that crazy girl had already had an epidural and was still screaming the place down.
I've just watched this on 4OD....
HOW on earth is that woman's partner still laughing when she's screaming like a banshee?
My OH would have just told me to wise up by then! :rofl:
My hubby would have stuck the pillow over my head by that point, he wouldnt have been laughing. I know child birth is going to be painful, but i would rather bite my own fingers off than make that much of a fuss.
I was quite embarrassed watching her if im honest, especially when the flailing legs and arms started. And then she carried on screaming after her epidural,, even though she said she couldnt feel it. Thought Janet coped really well bless her, but agree with you ladies, thought it was a bit rotten that she picked her mum over her bf xxx
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